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ECHO准备发射了! [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 0楼 发表于: 2004-06-12
sb space @ arl $arls008
arls008 amsat announces satellite developments

zczc as08
qst de w1aw
space bulletin 008 arls008
from arrl headquarters
newington, ct june 11, 2004
to all radio amateurs

sb space arl arls008
arls008 amsat announces satellite developments

the amsat-oscar echo satellite is on its way to its launch site in kazakhstan. amsat's chuck green, n0adi, said echo's final check was an hour-long stay in the vacuum chamber with both 70-cm transmitters running at full power. green indicated that everything that could be tested in this configuration worked well.

"we also checked the sensitivity of all the 2-meter receivers and the 'sqrx' wideband tunable receiver, and they were all very good,"
he said. engineers also measured the output of the 70-cm transmitters at various power settings.

amsat-na president robin haighton, ve3frh, offered his congratulations for a job well done.

amsat also recently announced that its echo launch fund took a big leap forward at dayton hamvention 2004 and now stands at slightly more than $93,000. amsat needs $110,000 to launch echo. haighton said amsat can meet the goal quite easily "if every member of amsat and everyone who works the satellites--including nonmembers--is prepared to meet the target." the echo launch window begins at the end of june.

in other news, amsat-na says the so-50 satellite--also known as saudisat-1c--now is available to all, and users can switch on the mode j transponder via a ctcss tone. previously, only one of the three control operators could turn on the spacecraft for amateur communication.

taking doppler into account, transmit on 145.850 mhz using a ctcss tone of 74.4 hz to arm the onboard 10-minute timer. then, transmit fm voice on 145.850 mhz using a ctcss tone of 67.0 hz to actuate the repeater within the 10-minute window. so-50 takes a half second or so to start transmitting once a signal is received, so users should pause briefly before talking. so-50's downlink frequency is 436.800 mhz.

sending the 74.4 hz ctcss tone again within the 10-minute window resets the timer.

there's more information on the amsat web site at, http://www.amsat.org.