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新腿9001机求教! [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 0楼 发表于: 2003-12-04
1:驻波情况与发射功率有关吗?当我用小功率发射调校swr cal时,只能看到三角符号出现在1 1.5 2 3一列数字的右下方(也就是3的右下方)旋转swr cal却不能使状态条到达小三角处,当我调大功率发射时状态条往右移了一点,但还是没有到达小三角处,再调大功率,又入往右移,最后功率调到一定程度时,可以看到状态条到达小三角处,再加大功率,状态条会超过小三角处,此时回旋swr cal可以使状态条回到小三角处,这正常吗?
1:驻波情况与发射功率有关吗?当我用小功率发射调校swr cal时,只能看到三角符号出现在1 1.5 2 3一列数字的右下方(也就是3的右下方)旋转swr cal却不能使状态条到达小三角处,当我调大功率发射时状态条往右移了一点,但还是没有到达小三角处,再调大功率,又入往右移,最后功率调到一定程度时,可以看到状态条到达小三角处,再加大功率,状态条会超过小三角处,此时回旋swr cal可以使状态条回到小三角处,这正常吗?
只看该作者 1楼 发表于: 2003-12-05
alan 9001说明书中英文对照版

alan 9001说明书
1. mode swich. this control is used to select the desired transmit mode. the modes available are: cw,lsb,usb,amandfm.
mode switch :这个控制旋钮能选择你要求的发射模式,可选模式有:cw,lsb,usb,am和fm。
2.   dim/swr cal control . this control is used to adjust the calibration of the swr meter while in swr cal mode. turning this control fully ccw (counter clock wise) until it clicks dims the display backlighting
dim/swr cal control :当你选用驻波表模式时这个旋钮用来校整驻波比,反时针调谐旋钮直到发出“嘀”的一声,显示屏背光会变暗
3. rf power control. this control enables you to adjust rf power continuously over the range of about 1 watt through 10 watt in am or fm mode, about 10 watt through 25 watt in cw mode.
rf power control :这个控制旋钮能够让你连续调节射频功率,am和fm模式可以从1瓦至10瓦,cw模式从10瓦至25瓦。
4.   rit control. the receiver incremental tuning control is used to fine tune to the received singal . this is used in usb and lsb modes to obtain maximum clarity of reception, and in cw mode to control the pitch of the beat note. the rit control can tune the receive frequency about 2.3 khz. this control will not transmit frequency, or the frequency display, but will change the receive frequency.
rit control :收信机微调旋钮是用微调调整使你能收到被认为是标准的信号,在usb和lsb模式使用可以获得最清晰的接收,在cw模式可以控制节拍的音调,这个旋钮能在2.3khz左右调整接收频率,它不影响发射频率和显示频率,但将改变接收频率。
5.   on/off volume control. this control is used to turn the unit on and off and adjust the volume
on/off volume control :这个旋钮用来开关机器及调整音量。
6. squelch control. the squelch control is used adjust the squelch function , which eliminates the “rushing” sound between transmission. turning the squelch control ccw until it clicks enables the auto squelch , eliminating the need to manually adjust the squelch.
squlch control :静噪旋钮是用来调节静噪功能,用来消除发射间突然出现的噪音,反时针旋转静噪旋钮直到发出“嘀”的一声就启用了自动静噪,当然你也可以根据需要手动静噪。
7. loc/dx switch. this is used to vary the rf input to the receiver this control is used to help eliminate strong, adjacent signals.
loc/dx switch :近/远程接收开关,是用来改变收信机的射频输入,帮助消除过强的附近信号。
8. pa switch. pressing this switch enables the pa mode, if an external pa speaker is installed. when in pa mode, the normal functions of the radioare disabled, but the receive audio is routed through the pa speaker.
pa switch :按下这个开关即选用了pa模式,如果安装了一个外接pa扬声器,选用pa模式,电台的正常发射功能被禁用,但接收到的声音会通过pa扬声器传出。
9. channel button. pressing these buttons will step up or down to the next 10khz channel in the currently selected band segment. the currently selected channel is displayed next to the frequency display.
channel button :信道按钮,在当前选择频带段按下这些按钮将上升或下降到下一个10khz信道,频率也随之显示下一个信道。
10. band button. pessing this button will select one of the four band segments. band segments are: 50 channels in a: 28.000 to 28.4999; b: 28.5000 to 28.9999; c: 29.0000 to 29.4999; 20 channels in d: 29.5000 to 29.6999 mhz. the currently selected band segment is display left-hand side the band display.
band button :频带按钮,按下这个按钮将选择1至4频带段,频带段为:a :28.000—28.4999 ; b :28.5000—28.9999 ; c:29.0000—29.4999(mhz)以上共50个信道,还有20个信道在d:29.5000—29.6999mhz 当前所选择的频带段在「波段显示」的左面显现出来。
11. span button. this button is used to select either 10khz, 1khz, or 100hz steps for the vfo. the currently selected step is indicated by a line under the relevant digit on the frequency display.
span button :通带按钮,此按钮用来在vfo(可变频率震荡器)上选择10khz,1khz或100hz的步长频率,当前所选择的步进,是在「频率显示」中的相关数字下面,用一条线显示出来。
12. channel control ( vfo). the variable frequency oscillator control is used to select the desired transmit and receive frequency. tuning contionuous throughout the entire range of the alan 9001 with no need to select band segments.
channel control(vfo) :变频器(有译为拨号频率),使用它你可以选择到你需要的发射和接收频率,连续调谐可以覆盖本机全部量程而不需要选择某一频带段。
13. shift button. this button is used to select the second function mode. when this mode is active, “shift” is displayed, and double function button (the ones on the extreme right) work as indicated right up the button (not over as usual). pressing this button again goes back to normal mode.
shift button :转换按钮,用来选择第二功能模式,当此功能启用时,将显示“shift”此时按下有双重功能的按钮就会启用第二功能,再次按下转换按钮将会退回正常模式。

double function buttons (双重功能按钮)

first function mode buttons (第一功能模式)
pressing this button makes function mode as indicated on the button.
14. nb/anl button. pressing this button enables the built in noise reducing functions. there are: noise blanker only, both noise blanker and automatic noise limiter, and automatic noise limiter only. each time the nb/anl button is pushed, the next function is selected.
nb/anl button :静噪/ 噪音自动限制器按钮,按下这个按钮产生减少噪音功能:仅是噪音抑制器;既是噪音抑制器又是噪音自动限制器;和仅是噪音自动限制器。每次按下这个按钮,下一个功能会被选用。
15. meter button. this button is used to select the operating mode for the multifunction meter. the meter modes are : s/rf, modulation, swr calibration setting, and swr reading. each time the nb/anl button is pushed, the next mode is selected. see the operation section for more information on meter usage. the currently selected mode is displayed around the meter
1.   meter button :仪表按钮,使用这个按钮可以在多功能仪表中选用你需要的工作模式。仪表模式有:s/rf(射频电平); modulation(调制);swr calibration setting(驻波比校准设定);和驻波比读取。每次按下这个按钮,下一个功能会被选用。了解更多信息请查阅仪表使用章节。当前选择模式根据仪表显示。
16. flock button. pressing the frequency lock button will disable all frequency determining controls on the front panel, to prevent accidental changes of frequency.
flock button :频率锁定,按下这个按钮前面板所有频率控制按钮将被禁用,防止意外改变频率。
17. mic gain button. pessing this button activates the built-in microphone attenuator. this feature is designed to be used when operating the alan 9001 in high ambient noise environments
mic gain button :麦克风增益按钮,按下此钮会激活固定在麦克风内的衰减器,它是当本机工作在高噪音环境下使用。
18. beep button. pressing this button will cause a short beep tone to be transmitted when ever you release the ptt switch on the microphone
beep button :“嘀”音按钮,按下后当你每次松开麦克风上的发射按钮就会传出一声短“嘀”音。

second function mode switchs (第二功能模式)
warning : second function is active when the display show “shift”. in this case , push the shift button to make it appeare.
19. scan button. the scan button is used to scan up to 50 channels in each band segment. see the section on operation for more information on using this function.
scan button :扫描按钮,用来扫描在每个频带段内的50个信道,了解本操作部分更多信息请参看相关章节。
20. program button. the scan button is used to program the 10 memories. see the section programming mode for more information on using the program operation.
program button :编程按钮,用来给本机10个记忆进行编程,了解编程模式更多的信息请参看编程模式相关章节。
21. memory button. this button is used to set up memory channel what you want to program, to pick up the memory channel you programed and for memory channel scanning. see the section programming mode for more information on using the program operation and the scan control.
memory button :记忆按钮,用来设置你要编程的记忆频道,提取已编程的记忆频道和记忆频道扫描,了解编程操作和扫描更多的信息请参看编程模式相关章节。
22. enter button. this button is used to program frequencies in memory. see the section programming mode for more information on using the program operation
enter button :确认按钮,用来对已编程的频率记忆,了解编程操作更多的信息请参看编程模式相关章节。
23. manual button. this button is used to return the unit to first (normal) function mode from second function mode
manual button :手动按钮,用来从第二功能模式返回第一功能模式。

the display(显示屏)
24. multifunction meter. this meter can display s/rf, modulation, swr cal, or swr. see the section on operation for more information on using the multifunction meter.
multifunction meter : 多功能仪表,能够显示射频电平,调制度,驻波比计算或驻波比。了解多功能仪表更多的信息请参看操作说明相关章节。
25. frequency display. the frequency display displays the currently selected transmit and receive frequency.
frequency display :频率显示,频率显示所显示的是当前选择的发射和接收频率。
26. meter mode display. display the currently selected meter operating mode.
meter mode display :仪表模式显示,显示当前选择的仪表操作模式。
27. band segment display. show the currently selected band segment.
band segment display :频段显示,指示出当前选择的频段。
28. channel and memory channel display. gives the selected channel and memory channel number.
channel and memory channel display :频道和记忆频道显示,给出所选频道和记忆频道号码。
只看该作者 2楼 发表于: 2003-12-05
29. vfo step indicator. displays the currently selected vfo setp. (the fig. shows 100hz step selected).
vfo step indicator :可变频率震荡器(拨号频率)步长指示,显示当前选择的vfo步长。
30. function indicators. llluminates when activated functions are indicated.
function indicators :功能指示,当激活功能指示器时,会有低亮度照明。

the microphone (麦克风)
31. remote control channel buttons. you can step up or down by one 10khzchannel within the current band segment using these controls. see the section on operation for more information.
remote control channel button :远距离控制信道按钮,使用这些按钮你能升高或降低到现在所处频段内的另一个10khz信道,了解更多信息请参看相关章节。
32. ptt switch. the push to talk switch is used to control the transmit and receive of your alan 9001.press to transmit, release to receive.
ptt switch :发射开关,此开关控制本机的发射和接收,按下发射,松开接收。
front panel connector(面板插头)
the microphone included with the alan 9001 is a 500 ohm dynamic microphone, with channel up and down buttons the view of the connector is facing the alan 9001 front panel. the pin connections are as follows:
针脚             接线
1&2             麦克风
3&2             发射开关
4&2             频率上升按钮
5&2             频率下降按钮
2   公共接地

rear panel connectors (后面板接口)

1. power connector. the power cord included with the alan 9001 is color cord. the red wire goes to +13.8v dc nominal and the black wire goes to ground. the alan 9001 is designed for operation with a negative ground system only. the view of the power connector is facing the rear panel of the alan 9001
power connector :电源接口,本机所带电源线是彩色线,红色线接+13.8v dc而黑色线接地,这是本机唯一一个负极接地,请仔细对着本机后面板的电源接口查看,以免错接。
2. antenna connector. the antenna connects to an ordinary so-239 female rf connector on the rear panel. the rf output impedance is 500 ohm.
antenna connector :天线接口,天线接口是一个普通的so-239阴口射频接口,射频输出阻抗为50Ω。
warning : standing wave ratios in excess of 2:1 may cause transmitter damage.
3. key connector. this is used for morse code operation. to operate this mode , connector a cw key to this iack and place the mode switch in the cw position.
key connector :电键接口,当使用莫尔斯电码时使用,将模式开关转到cw位置并在接口内插入一只cw电键即可使用。
4. pa sp connector. an 8 ohm 4w pa speaker may be connected to this connector for pa operation. press the pa switch for this operation.
pa sp connector :pa扬声器接口,在此接口可以接入一只8Ω4w的pa扬声器,按下pa开关即可使用此功能
5. ext sp connector. when the external speaker may be connected to this connector, the built in speaker will be disabled.
ext sp connector :外接扬声器接口,当外接扬声器插头插入此接口时,内置扬声器将被禁用。

transceiver mounting
plan the location of the transceiver and microphone bracket before starting the installation. select a location thatis convenient for operation and does not interfere with the driver or passenger in the vehicle. the radio should be secured to a solid surface, using the mounting bracket and self-tapping screws supplied.

mobile antenna 移动天线
the antenna is a very important factor affecting transmission and reception. it is for this reason that we strongly recommend that you install only a quality antenna in your new alan 9001.   you have purchased a superior quality transceiver, don’t diminish its performance by installing an inferior.
alan 9001上安装一个优质的天线,你能拥有一台高级收发信机,不要因为安装了一个劣质天线使它的性能下降。
onli a properly matched antenna system will allow maximum power transfer from the 50 transmission line to the radiating element. our business departement is qualified to assist you in the selection of the poper antenna to meet your application requirements.
for mobile installations, a quarter wave whip antenna may be used with good effect. the most efficient and practical installation is to mount it on the rear deck or fender top midway between the rear window and bumper
a shot base loaded whip antenna is more convenient to install, but the efficiency is less than a quarter wave whip
for marine installations, consult your dealer for information regarding an adequate grounding system and prevention of electrolysis.

waring: standing wave rations in excess of 2:1 may cause transmitter damage.

ground information 接地
most newer cars and small trucks use a 13.8v dc nominal negative ground system, while some older cars and large trucks use a positive ground system. a negative ground system is generally identified by the negative (-) battery terminal being connected to the vehicle or are unsure, contact your vehicle dealer for definite information.
大多数新型轿车和小卡车使用额定13.8v 直流负极接地系统,一些老式轿车和大型货车使用正极接地系统,负极接地系统通常的识别方法为电池的负极(-)接线柱连接到车辆的框架(金属)或发动机本体,但假如你不能测定你的车辆的极性或不能确定,联系你的车辆经销商以得到明确答案。

warning: your alan 9001 is designed for operation on a 13.8v dc nominal, negative ground system only. operation on other voltages or polarities may cause fires, transceiver damage, and/or other hazards.
警告:alan 9001 是设计仅能工作在13.8v直流、负极接地系统中,在其它电压或极性下操作可能会引起火灾,收发信机损坏以及其它危险。

power cord connection 电源线连接
the read lead (with the inline fuse) of the supplied power cord is to be a “hot” (positive) wire, and the black lead to ground. as the alan 9001 draws appreciable currentduring transmitting, you may wish to connect the positive lead directly to the battery,or to a main supply wire.

operation 操作

selecting a frequency 选择一个频率

vfo operation vfo 操作
selecting an operating using the alan 9001 is built-in vfo is easy. make sure that the f.lock key is not depressed and then simply rotate the dial to the desired operativen frequency. the vfo will step in either 10khz, 1khz or



只看该作者 3楼 发表于: 2003-12-05
1、正常,swr cal和功率要一起调,你可以先将swr打到最大,调功率使cal到小三角处,这时转到swr测量,就是这种状态下的驻波比了。我注意到9001在不同的功率下swr有一定的差别,一般是功率越大驻波比越高。