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一场50MHz竞赛 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 0楼 发表于: 2023-07-13
Dear OM
ARAM, Associação de Radioamadores do Alto Minho is a small club based in the north of Portugal, member of the Rede de Emissores Portugueses (REP).
On the next 22nd and 23rd of July, ARAM will hold its 50 Mhz competition.
Can you share it with your club members?
We have already made the text that you can resend (at the bottom of the page)
The rules go in atach.

Best regards
ARAM Contest Committee

"Dear OM

ARAM, Associação de Radioamadores do Alto Minho is a small club based in the north of Portugal, member of the Rede de Emissores Portugueses (REP).
On the next 22nd and 23rd of July, ARAM will hold its 50 Mhz competition.
Can you share it with your club members?

The Associação de Radioamadores do Alto Minho, hereby invites you to participate in the 2nd edition of the ARAM 50Mhz 2023 Contest, to be held on the weekend of 22nd and 23rd July 2023, Saturday and Sunday respectively.
The rules of this contest are published on the ARAM website at:

Additional information:
Date: 22-23 July 2023
Time: 12:00 UTC to 12:00 UTC
Band: 6m (50 MHz) - IARU Region 1
Modes: CW, AM, FM and SSB
Exchanges: RS(T) Serial number (starts at 001)
             QTH Locator with 6 characters (ex. IN51PT)
Categories: Fixed and Portable
Scoring: 1 point per km
Multipliers: Locator of second level (ex. IN51)
Categories: Fixed Station and Portable Station
Awards: Trophy for 1st place in category Fixed Station
    Trophy for 1st place in category Portable Station
    Trophy for greatest number of different prefixes (ex. CT1,
CT2, EA1).

Logs must be sent to the organization until 23:59 UTC on August 15, 2023 to the email concurso@aram.pt.

Only Logs submitted in "CABRILLO" format are admitted.

When sending your log by email, in the subject field you must write "LOG CTXXXX" plus "/p" in case you operate in the portable category.

A phone number or e-mail must be included in the remarks field.

Welcome and take the opportunity to put your skills into practice. We wish you good luck in this contest.

73, ARAM"

只看该作者 1楼 发表于: 2023-07-13
ARAM - Associação de Radioamadores do Alto MinhoII Six Meters Band ContestRULES
1. Objectives
Promote activity in the 6 meter (50 MHz) band of the amateur radio service. Encourage initiation incompetitions to the radio novice, arousing the competitive interest and their technical evolution.
2. Date and Time
From 12:00 UTC of te fourth saturday of July to 12:00 UTC of the following day. This year, the conteststarts at 12:00 of July 22nd, and finishes at 12:00 (UTC) of July 23rd.
3. Scope
International. Only contacts made by properly licensed stations are valid.
4. Categories
Two categories: FIXED and PORTABLE
Each station can participate in only one category.
5. Band
6 m (50 MHz), according to the recommendations of the IARU Band Plan of each Region.
6. Modes
7. Contacts
Only the first contact between two stations is valid, during the contest.
Only one grid Locator can be reported by each station, during the whole contest.
Only peer-to-peer contacts are valid. Contacts made via other means (e.g. repeaters, satellites,Echolinks, etc) must not appear in the Log and will not be ponctuated.
8. Self-spotting
Self-potting consists of announcing the activity of a radio station, made by the operator himself or by third parties at his request. For example, the operator of the station with the callsign CTnAAA announces in the cluster that the station CTnAAA is active on the frequency XX,XXX MHz…
As it is impracticable to monitor the entire frequency band in the contest, as well as all the existingclusters on the Internet, and even other communication clusters (for example, chats, mobile phones,social networks, etc.), this regulation does not prohibit self-spotting.
9. Exchange
During each QSO between two stations, the following exchange must be made and reported in theLog:
- RS(T);
- QSO serial number, starting at 001;
- 6 character Grid Locator (e.g.: IN60AG), from both stations.
It is not mandatory to exchange the QTR, however it must be registered in the Log, in UTC time zone.
10. Points
1 point per kilometre between the grids locators of each station in QSO.
Each grid locator up to the second levell (e.g. IN51) will be a multiplier.
The total score will be calculated according to the following formula:Total score = Total Points (km) x Grids
11. The Log
Logs must be submited to ARAM until 23:59 (UTC) of August 15th, 20 23 via e-mail to the address:concurso@aram.pt.
Only one Log per station will be admitted. If a station send more than one Log, only the last Log willbe considered.
Logs must be send in CABRILLO format (see. Appendix 1).
The e-mail by which the Log is sent should state “LOG CALLSIGN” in the subject field.
Somewhere in the Log, place your e-mail address, só we can contact you in case of winning sometrophey.
12. Logs verification
Only the competitors who send their Logs before the deadline defined in Section 11 of thisdocument, will be classified.
Contacts whose crossing data, relating to date, time (QTR), band, callsign, serial number and QTHlocator, do not coincide or within the allowed tolerance will be considered invalid in both Logs, as it isnot possible to determine which of the two stations made the mistake.
The contact time field (QTR) is allowed a tolerance of +/- 5 minutes. The value of this field mustcorrespond to the time of QSO ended.
13. Results
The provisional results will be published on the official ARAM website at http://www.aram.pt/, untilthe 15th of September 2023, as well as the competitors' logs, in order to allow the submission ofcomplaints arising from errors by the organization.
The deadline for complaints is 5 days after the publication of the provisional results.
After the deadline for complaints, any complaint will be presented to the Jury, and the provisionalresults will be suspended until a decision is made. If there are no complaints, after the deadline, theprovisional results will be considered final.
14. Awards
The following non-cumulative trophies will be awarded in the order indicated below.
- Best score in FIXED category
- Best score in PORTABLE category
- Higher number of different callsign prefixes
Each station will only be entitled to a single trophy, with the stations positioned in the immediatelylower places being recaptured, for the attribution of the trophies.
15. Awards deliveries
The awards will be delivered during the annual ARAM Radio Fair, to be held on October 7, 2023(second Saturday of October), in Viana do Castelo.
Winning competitors who cannot attend the ARAM Radio Fair may request that the award be sent bypost, upon prior payment of the respective shipping costs.
The request for sending the award by mail must be made by the interested party, by email addressedto geral@aram.pt.
ARAM will no longer be responsible for the delivery of awards that have not been claimed by the endof the calendar year of the contest.
16. Disqualifications
Will be disqualified all stations whose operator:
• Provide false or erroneous data to other competitors and/or the organization.
• Only provide points to certain competitors at the expense of others.
• Do not comply with the legal regulations of the Amateur Service.
• Transgress any of the points of this regulation.
• Do not send the Log in the correct format and within the deadline indicated in point 11.
17. Jury
The competition jury is coposed by radio amateurs Afonso Leitão (CT1ACS) and Maria Lomba(CS7AKV), who are prohibited from participating in the competition.
The jury is responsible for resolving omissions or doubts about the regulation, its decisions will takeinto account the spirit of the competition.
The jury's decisions will be unappealable.
18. Support and clarifications
Any request for support and/or clarification should be sent to contest@aram.pt.
19. Final notes
Participation in the contest presupposes full acceptance of its regulations.

On behalf of the Board of ARAM
Paulo Cunha (Signature)

Appendix 1Example of a Log in CABRILLO format
ADDRESS: 4901-908
SOAPBOX: emil: radio@airlomba.net
CREATED-BY: VUContest 2.14
QSO: 50 PH 2020-05-30 1301 CT7AFR 59 001 IN51OQ CT1KNL/P 59 002 IN50NE
QSO: 50 PH 2020-05-30 1305 CT7AFR 59 002 IN51OQ CT7AOV/P 59 002 IM59LE
QSO: 50 PH 2020-05-30 1313 CT7AFR 59 003 IN51OQ CT2HKN 59 004 IN51OM
QSO: 50 PH 2020-05-30 1324 CT7AFR 59 004 IN51OQ CT7AGE 59 004 IN50SR
QSO: 50 PH 2020-05-30 1331 CT7AFR 59 005 IN51OQ CT2IJT 59 007 IN51PP
QSO: 50 PH 2020-05-30 1332 CT7AFR 59 006 IN51OQ CS7ALJ 59 010 IN51PH
QSO: 50 PH 2020-05-30 1346 CT7AFR 59 007 IN51OQ CT1MH/P 59 003 IN50RB
QSO: 50 PH 2020-05-30 1407 CT7AFR 59 008 IN51OQ CS5LX/P 59 005 IM58KX
QSO: 50 PH 2020-05-30 1411 CT7AFR 59 009 IN51OQ CT1HBC 59 007 IN51PE
QSO: 50 PH 2020-05-30 1434 CT7AFR 59 010 IN51OQ CT2IAE 59 004 IN51PR
QSO: 50 PH 2020-05-30 1440 CT7AFR 59 011 IN51OQ CT1DMC 59 002 IN51PP
QSO: 50 PH 2020-05-30 1459 CT7AFR 59 012 IN51OQ CT1HIX/P 59 004 IN52QA
QSO: 50 PH 2020-05-30 1608 CT7AFR 59 013 IN51OQ CT2IZX 59 001 IN50QU
QSO: 50 PH 2020-05-30 1619 CT7AFR 59 014 IN51OQ CT1EVJ 59 002 IN50RT
QSO: 50 PH 2020-05-30 1624 CT7AFR 59 015 IN51OQ CT2ILN/P 59 015 IM59RT
QSO: 50 PH 2020-05-30 1639 CT7AFR 59 016 IN51OQ CT2GSN 59 012 IN51QL
QSO: 50 PH 2020-05-30 1640 CT7AFR 59 017 IN51OQ CT2HHM 59 011 IN51QL
QSO: 50 PH 2020-05-30 1653 CT7AFR 59 018 IN51OQ CT2HTY/P 59 011 IN60AX
QSO: 50 PH 2020-05-30 1702 CT7AFR 59 019 IN51OQ CT4KG 59 014 IN51PF
QSO: 50 PH 2020-05-30 1703 CT7AFR 59 020 IN51OQ CS7AFP 59 005 IN51RJ
QSO: 50 PH 2020-05-30 1801 CT7AFR 59 021 IN51OQ CT2IXP 59 001 IN51RF
QSO: 50 PH 2020-05-30 1951 CT7AFR 59 022 IN51OQ CT2JIF 59 002 IN51PR
QSO: 50 PH 2020-05-30 1958 CT7AFR 59 023 IN51OQ CT1AGS 59 003 IM59MN
QSO: 50 PH 2020-05-30 2009 CT7AFR 59 024 IN51OQ CT1APE 59 003 IM59KL
QSO: 50 PH 2020-05-30 2019 CT7AFR 59 025 IN51OQ CT1REP/P 59 017 IM58IS
QSO: 50 PH 2020-05-30 2106 CT7AFR 59 026 IN51OQ CT2HGJ 59 001 IN51QO
QSO: 50 PH 2020-05-30 2215 CT7AFR 59 027 IN51OQ CT1BXT 59 014 IM59PF

1) Times in UTC.
2) Cabrillo Logs files usually have a .log or .cbr extension (e.g. ct7afr.log)
[ 此帖被BA1AJ在2023-07-13 11:30重新编辑 ]
只看该作者 2楼 发表于: 2023-07-14
只看该作者 3楼 发表于: 2023-11-23
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