#define VERSION "1.02s"
// Configuration switches; remove/add a double-slash at line-start to enable/disable a feature; to save space disable e.g. CAT, DIAG, KEYER
#define DIAG 1 // Hardware diagnostics on startup (only disable when your rig is working) 开机诊断功能,第一次运行没有报错就可以关掉了
#define KEYER 1 // CW keyer
#define CAT 1 // 这个功能比较占用flash空间,根据需要打开 CAT-interface
#define F_XTAL 27005000 // 27MHz SI5351 crystal 这个是5351芯片用的晶振频率,对应自己使用的即可,一般是25或者27Mhz
//#define F_XTAL 25004000 // 25MHz SI5351 crystal (enable for WB2CBA-uSDX, SI5351 break-out board or uSDXuNO)
//#define F_XTAL 25000000 // 25MHz SI5351 crystal (enable for 25MHz TCXO)
//#define SWAP_ROTARY 1 // 如果编码器旋转感觉方向相反,请打开此项,他会反向调整。Swap rotary direction (enable for WB2CBA-uSDX)
//#define QCX 1 // Supports older (non-SDR) QCX HW modifications (QCX, QCX-SSB, QCX-DSP with I/Q alignment-feature)
//#define OLED 1 // OLED display, connect SDA (PD2), SCL (PD3) 如果使用OLED屏请打开这个,如果用1602就不要打开这个。
#define LPF_SWITCHING_DL2MAN_USDX_REV3 1 // 这个是DL2MAN的8波段板子对应配置Enable 8-band filter bank switching: latching relays wired to a TCA/PCA9555 GPIO extender on the PC4/PC5 I2C bus; relays are using IO0.0 as common (ground), IO1.0..7 used by the individual latches K0-7 switching respectively LPFs for 10m, 15m, 17m, 20m, 30m, 40m, 60m, 80m
//#define LPF_SWITCHING_DL2MAN_USDX_REV3_NOLATCH 1 // Enable 8-band filter bank switching: non-latching relays wired to a TCA/PCA9555 GPIO extender on the PC4/PC5 I2C bus; relays are using IO0.0 as common (ground), IO1.0..7 used by the individual latches K0-7 switching respectively LPFs for 10m, 15m, 17m, 20m, 30m, 40m, 60m, 80m. Enable this if you are using 8-band non-latching version for the relays, the radio will draw extra 15mA current but will work ity any relay (Tnx OH2UDS/TA7W Baris)
//#define LPF_SWITCHING_DL2MAN_USDX_REV2 1 // Enable 5-band filter bank switching: latching relays wired to a TCA/PCA9555 GPIO extender on the PC4/PC5 I2C bus; relays are using IO0.1 as common (ground), IO0.3, IO0.5, IO0.7, IO1.1, IO1.3 used by the individual latches K1-5 switching respectively LPFs for 20m, 30m, 40m, 60m, 80m
//#define LPF_SWITCHING_DL2MAN_USDX_REV2_BETA 1 // Enable 5-band filter bank switching: latching relays wired to a PCA9539PW GPIO extender on the PC4/PC5 I2C bus; relays are using IO0.1 as common (ground), IO0.3, IO0.5, IO0.7, IO1.1, IO1.3 used by the individual latches K1-5 switching respectively LPFs for 20m, 30m, 40m, 60m, 80m
//#define LPF_SWITCHING_DL2MAN_USDX_REV1 1 // Enable 3-band filter bank switching: latching relays wired to a PCA9536D GPIO extender on the PC4/PC5 I2C bus; relays are using IO0 as common (ground), IO1-IO3 used by the individual latches K1-3 switching respectively LPFs for 20m, 40m, 80m
//#define LPF_SWITCHING_WB2CBA_USDX_OCTOBAND 1 // Enable 8-band filter bank switching: non-latching relays wired to a MCP23008 GPIO extender on the PC4/PC5 I2C bus; relays are using GND as common (ground), GP0..7 used by the individual latches K1-8 switching respectively LPFs for 80m, 60m, 40m, 30m, 20m, 17m, 15m, 10m
//#define LPF_SWITCHING_PE1DDA_USDXDUNO 14 // Enable 2-band filter bank switching: non-latching relay wired to pin PD5 (pin 11); specify as value the frequency in MHz for which (and above) the relay should be altered (e.g. put 14 to enable the relay at 14MHz and above to use the 20m LPF).
#define SI5351_ADDR 0x60 // SI5351A I2C address: 0x60 for SI5351A-B-GT, Si5351A-B04771-GT, MS5351M; 0x62 for SI5351A-B-04486-GT; 0x6F for SI5351A-B02075-GT; see here for other variants:
https://www.silabs.com/TimingUtility/timing-download-document.aspx?OPN=Si5351A-B02075-GT&OPNRevision=0&FileType=PublicAddendum// Advanced configuration switches
//#define CAT_EXT 1 // Extended CAT support: remote button and screen control commands over CAT
//#define CAT_STREAMING 1 // Extended CAT support: audio streaming over CAT, once enabled and triggered with CAT cmd, 7.812ksps 8-bit unsigned audio is sent over UART. The ";" is omited in the data-stream, and only sent to indicate the beginning and end of a CAT cmd.
#define CW_DECODER 1 // CW decoder CW解码功能根据自己需要打开,实际解码效果可以自己体验一下。
#define TX_ENABLE 1 // Disable this for RX only (no transmit), e.g. to support uSDX for kids idea:
https://groups.io/g/ucx/topic/81030243#6276#define KEY_CLICK 1 // Reduce key clicks by envelope shaping
#define SEMI_QSK 1 // Just after keying the transmitter, keeps the RX muted for a short amount of time in the anticipation for continued keying
#define RIT_ENABLE 1 // Receive-In-Transit alternates the receiving frequency with an user-defined offset to compensate for any necessary tuning needed on receive
#define VOX_ENABLE 1 // Voice-On-Xmit which is switching the transceiver into transmit as soon audio is detected (above noise gate level)
//#define MOX_ENABLE 1 // Monitor-On-Xmit which is audio monitoring on speaker during transmit
#define FAST_AGC 1 // Adds fast AGC option (good for CW)
//#define VSS_METER 1 // Supports Vss measurement (as s-meter option)
//#define SWR_METER 1 // 驻波表功能在程序中可能还有问题,打开后可能会死机Supports SWR meter with bridge on A6/A7 (LQPF ATMEGA328P) by Alain, K1FM, see:
https://groups.io/g/ucx/message/6262 and
https://groups.io/g/ucx/message/6361//#define ONEBUTTON 1 // Use single (encoder) button to control full the rig; optionally use L/R buttons to completely replace rotory encoder function
//#define F_MCU 16000000 // 如果你的MCU用的晶振是16M的,请打开这个,并确认值是对应你使用的晶振。16MHz ATMEGA328P crystal (enable for unmodified Arduino Uno/Nano boards with 16MHz crystal). You may change this value to any other crystal frequency (up to 28MHz may work)
//#define DEBUG 1 // for development purposes only (adds debugging features such as CPU, sample-rate measurement, additional parameters)
//#define TESTBENCH 1 // Tests RX chain by injection of sine wave, measurements results are sent over serial
//#define CW_FREQS_QRP 1 // Defaults to CW QRP frequencies when changing bands
//#define CW_FREQS_FISTS 1 // Defaults to CW FISTS frequencies when changing bands
#define CW_MESSAGE 1 // Transmits pre-defined CW messages on-demand (left-click menu item 4.2)
//#define CW_MESSAGE_EXT 1 // Additional CW messages
//#define TX_DELAY 1 // Enables a delay in the actual transmission to allow relay-switching to be completed before the power is applied (see also NTX, PTX definitions below for GPIO that can switch relay/PA)
//#define CLOCK 1 // Enables clock
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