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海岛台请注册iota-world.org网站 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 0楼 发表于: 2020-07-23

QTH: 宜昌
Mail: bg6snj@qsl.net
LOG: http://log.bg6snj.cn/
QQ: 241201343
VX: bg6snj
只看该作者 1楼 发表于: 2022-10-06


Dear IOTA Chaser,
We are writing to you about your participation in the IOTA Programme to let you know about some changes being introduced by the IOTA Board.
IOTA is a performance based programme, and as such IOTA Ltd has always promoted the message that to be active the participant should have a recorded score (above 100 credits in 7 continents in the main HF category or 50 in the VHF one) and make a submission or update periodically. Despite this, many participants use its services without contributing to the main purpose of the programme. This has become more acute in recent years as they are increasingly able to benefit from privileged QSO matching as well as island-specific information on the database. In practice they have been able to enter, without restriction, any number of island contacts as pending credits, in theory awaiting submission for formal acceptance on the system at a time of their choice. The Board has decided to introduce changes to the Terms of Service to encourage participants in the HF category to go this further step by placing a limit on the number of pending credits that those registering are allowed to add before making a submission.
Participants in the HF category who have met the IOTA qualification level for initial entry in the performance listings by reaching a minimum 120 pending credits in 7 continents but have not submitted a formal entry will have 6 months to do so if they wish to continue building an IOTA score beyond 120 credits. It will otherwise be capped at the existing pending credits. Those participants who logged in the last two years into their account will receive a notification from the system in regard to the above. Donors to Friends of IOTA will have 12 months within which to make a submission.
Participants who have less than 120 pending credits in 7 continents (this includes those with no pending credits) are not given a time limit on which to reach 120/7 but will need to log into their account once every two years to remain registered. Failure to do so will mean that they lose registration, in view of the UK privacy rules.
Participants with a registered score on the database who have not submitted an update in 4 years will have 12 months to do so if they wish to continue adding pending credits to their record. It will otherwise be capped at their existing score. Those who have logged into their accounts in the previous two years will receive a notification from the system as per the above. Donors to Friends of IOTA will have 18 months within which to submit an update.
Generally, participants who have not logged into their account for more than two years are regarded as inactive and may, according to their status, lose registration.
Please note that the above terms of service are available on our website in several languages, which you will find under My IOTA. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact your IOTA Checkpoint.
Best regards,

只看该作者 2楼 发表于: 02-05
能否请楼主介绍一下注册时 应该如果填写呼号?因为我是4区的呼号 要去5区的海岛架设
手台:YAESU 6R、YAESU 5DR、小米手台2、自由通878UV2
车台:YAESU 300D
短波机:协谷G90S、斜谷GSOC、YAESU FT-891、协谷X6100
天线:钻石SG7500、钻石AZ-504FX、PAC-12、JPC-7、JYR8010端馈天线、老鹰HA1850短波拉杆天线、YAESU ATAS 120、钻石HF20CL 14M短波天线、钻石HF40CL 7M短波天线