SmartSDR v1.10即将发布。v1.10有一个重大更新,将来Flex6000设备,可以和功放、天线控制器、band decoder有更好的连接,机器后面的两个USB口将会被利用起来,使用Flex6000进行SO2R操作也有更好的用户体验。
FlexRadio System's engineering team is currently working on SmartSDR v1.10. A key capability in SmartSDR v1.10 is the ability to connect amplifiers, antenna controllers, etc. directly to the radio to obtain primarily band information. This will allow these devices to switch automatically. Since the FLEX-6000 series has capabilities that other radios do not, including SO2R in a single radio, the capability works somewhat differently than it does in other radios. First, let's talk about the physical connection and then the configuration.
Each of the FLEX-6000s have a pair of USB ports on the rear of the radio. Starting with v1.10, these ports will now be able to accept one of four different devices:
A ThumbDV to enable D-STAR transmission and reception on a FLEX-6000
Any Future Technology Devices Inc. (FTDI) USB to serial cable
Any FTDI USB to parallel cable
A USB Hub for connecting multiple of the other devices to one port
The FTDI USB to serial cables will be recognized in SmartSDR as a CAT cable. From that point forward, the cable can be used to supply CAT data from the radio to an external device. The FTDI USB to Parallel cables can provide either BCD data (Yaesu format) or single bit outputs for PTT and/or selection of either amateur or non-amateur bands based on a supplied frequency range.
As mentioned earlier, the cables operate a little differently than they would on a less capable radio. Since a FLEX-6000 could have a number of different bands shown at the same time and any one could be the transmitter, each cable can be set to follow a specific slice receiver or the transmitter or a number other possibilities. If the operator has one antenna connector that is connected to a single antenna or amplifier and is used on multiple bands, a cable can be set to follow the frequency on that antenna. In the event that SO2R operation is being used, each cable can be locked to a specific slice to prevent the devices on different bands from following the transmit frequency.
In our Alpha testing that is currently in progress, we have tested a number of devices. With so many CAT and BCD capable devices on the market, we cannot guarantee that all devices will work on these cables. Having said this, we would like to get a relatively large footprint of devices we work with. As a result, we will be releasing SmartSDR v1.10 into a public Beta program in the next week or two where we will collect more information on devices that we may not have completely enabled yet. If you have customers that use the Beta and have issues, please encourage them to provide us information required to work with their unit as discussed in the v1.10 release notes and we will take best efforts to enable as many devices as we can.
Note that all communications regarding the direct cable connect feature should be directed to... Because this is a public Beta, please encourage your customers to contact us at this address rather than posting questions on the FlexRadio Community, social media, etc. This will also be detailed in the release notes for v1.10.
Please let us know if you have any issues with this program or need more information. In addition, please keep in mind this information falls under your NDA pending release of v1.10. Thank you.
Lori Hicks
FlexRadio Systems