
Surfin': A Hundred Pounds Worth of DX


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scott andersen, ne1rd, has a blog called 100 pound dxpedition that talks about some of the dx locations from which he has operated. he writes the blog for the average ham who cannot afford an expensive, exotic, high-profile dx operation. with that goal in mind, scott provides lots of tips and suggestions for operating away from home "with a minimum of equipment and maximum fun."

scott also has a home page, ne1rd -- amateur radio that augments the blog (or is it the other way around?). either way, scott is clearly having fun, as can be seen by viewing what he has online.

in addition to operating, scott enjoys building (especially elecraft kits) and has an elecraft page dedicated to that aspect of his avocation. he also endeavors to help others to get into our hobby, and has suggested 50 ways that may help get people interested in amateur radio. i also enjoyed scott's people page where he writes about some of the amateur radio luminaries he has met during his ham radio career.

thank you, dave bushong, kz1o, for suggesting ne1rd's web presence.

until next time, keep on surfin'.

editor's note: stan horzepa, wa1lou, is planning a minimalist vacation and mobile dxpedition for this summer. to discuss minimalism, dxpeditions and other neat things, e-mail stan or add comments to his blog.
2006-07-01 20:14:53