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昨天21M遇到火腿美眉! [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 0楼 发表于: 2003-07-08

1. rz9myl - the most active yl-clubstation in the world

rz9myl (also: uk9myl in nov 1979- apr 1984; uz9myl in may 1984-dec 1993) did the first qso on 11/19/1979, so in november 1999 we’ve celebrated 20 years of the most active yl club station in the world.

every day, when propagation on hf is not very bad, you can hear this yl- clubstation of omsk teacher's training university.

our university is one of the largest in siberia. more than 5000 future teachers of physics, mathematics, russian filology, foreign languages and other subjects are studying here. there are 15 faculties in our university.

the largest faculty is the faculty of foreign languages. about 800 students are studying english, german and french languages: a part of them are studying at the departament of english-german, another part of them are studying at the departament of english-french and so on. that language which is on the first position our students learned at school and learn all 5 years at the university, and that one, which is the second, they begin to study since fifth term.

more than 90% from students of this faculty are yls, and the bests of them are members of university's amateur radioclub and use callsign rz9myl (rz9 many young ladies).

in our country everybody may use the facilities of an amateur radio club, including transmitting with a club callsign, but the activity has to be supervised by the amateur chief-operator.

now about 100 young ladies mostly from the faculty for foreign languages of our state teachers' training university omsk use the club callsign rz9myl (qth- locator mo64qx). at first they are only keen on speaking with radio amateurs to practice there language skills. but later on they are interested also in radio amateur technique and some of them succeed in getting their own amateur radio licence, especially those girls who teach later on mathematics and physics. so we couple the university training with amateur radio at our radioclub.