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应急通讯的尴尬 [复制链接]

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只看该作者 60楼 发表于: 2005-10-22
只看该作者 61楼 发表于: 2005-10-27

只看该作者 62楼 发表于: 2005-10-27

只看该作者 63楼 发表于: 2005-10-28

只看该作者 64楼 发表于: 2005-10-30
只看该作者 65楼 发表于: 2005-10-31


我国与救灾有关的机构很多,民政部门、红十字会、地震部门、水利部门...... 当然业余无线电爱好者能与他们取得合作最好,尤其在地方一级。但是如果人家不愿意也没有关系。我国政府和军队的机动能力很强,救灾队伍内部的指挥通信很容易保障,这是很多国家可能不及的。但是突发灾害下任何专业救灾部门都不可能在第一时间把通信面覆盖到灾区的每一个地方。如果那里平时已经有很多业余电台,那么业余通信网就可能为成为唯一的信息收集网,当把这些信息提供给专业救灾队伍时,它就是无价之宝。







chen ba1ham
只看该作者 66楼 发表于: 2005-10-31






只看该作者 67楼 发表于: 2005-11-06
"it seems to us . . ." katrina
by the arrl hq katrina team
november 1, 2005

while hurricane katrina's wrath was directed at coastal louisiana, mississippi and alabama, soon after katrina's landfall it became obvious that radio amateurs throughout the country would be needed to respond to a crisis of unprecedented scale. the credit for amateur radio's outstanding response belongs to the front-line volunteers, but we would like you to know how arrl headquarters geared up to give them needed support.

the situation required a greater than usual role for the arrl staff. we were called upon to become an information clearinghouse for katrina volunteers and served agencies, to coordinate logistics, field public relations and media inquiries, and to manage monetary and equipment contributions.

we responded by forming an internal team to handle the crisis. chief operating officer harold kramer, wj1b and interim field services manager dave patton, nn1n led the team. under their leadership, the team met daily to assess the situation and make necessary adjustments.

one of the critical areas was the increased demand for information from local and national media. media and public relations manager allen pitts, w1agp, fielded inquiries that resulted in articles appearing in the wall street journal, the washington post, msnbc, the new york times, the christian science monitor, national public radio and hundreds of other media outlets. allen responded to hundreds of inquiries to tell the amateur radio story...and they're still coming in. allen also spent a couple of days at the red cross headquarters in montgomery, alabama handling the media requests that were overwhelming the communications volunteers.

we also needed to quickly find a way to register hams who volunteered to serve in the gulf region. with the help of ab2m's existing database, our manager of web development, jon bloom, ke3z, and his staff, created an on-line volunteer database for hams who were willing to travel to the gulf. at the same time, we received urgent requests from agencies in desperate need of amateur operators. our solution was an on-line based database where operators could match the agency needs with their time, expertise and equipment.

we created a prominent section of the arrl web site dedicated to katrina resources and information. news editor rick lindquist, n1rl, kept the web site updated with the latest information. the large volunteer response required us to provide detailed instructions to hams traveling to the gulf coast including the need for each ham to be a completely self-sustaining unit with their own food, water and shelter.

the amateur radio industry helped in the effort by making significant contributions of equipment and supplies. the equipment included everything from handheld transceivers and hf rigs to headsets, power supplies, batteries, antennas and coax. we sent the equipment to areas where ham gear was damaged or destroyed or where more permanent installations were required. dennis motschenbacher, k7bv, janet rocco, w1jlr, wayne mills, n7ng, and norm fusaro, w3iz, coordinated the equipment procurement and shipping. dennis went to montgomery where he assisted alabama section manager greg sarratt, w4ozk, who was managing the red cross communications efforts for 250 shelters and kitchens.

communications between the hq and the various parts of the arrl field organization was one of our most important and critical functions. steve ewald, wv1x, acted as the link between headquarters, section managers (sms) and section emergency coordinators (secs) in the gulf. a daily sm/sec conference call to the field team was coordinated through arrl headquarters. the conference call was used to assess the situation, communicate important information between sms and provide support where needed.

as information continued to flow into headquarters, it became clear that we needed to monitor hf activity over the holiday weekend. w1aw station manager joe carcia, nj1q, monitored the emergency nets for potential interference and passed emergency traffic as needed. team members took shifts to monitor 20, 40 and 80 meters, 24 hours a day through the labor day weekend. bill moore, nc1l, dxcc manager, monitored the nets and acted as a relay station and net controller during the overnight shifts.

the hq staff also stayed in daily contact with arrl served agencies and other volunteer organizations. former field services manager rosalie white, k1sto, participated in a daily conference call with voad, voluntary organizations active in disaster. she was the eyes and ears of ham radio, listening for problems where hams could help.

our development department, under the leadership of chief development officer mary hobart, k1mmh, established a set of "ham aid" reimbursement procedures so radio amateurs volunteering to provide emergency communication in the field during the hurricane katrina disaster can recover some out-of-pocket expenses. the corporation for national and community service (cncs) has provided a $100,000 grant supplement to the arrl to help fund this effort. one generous donor contributed an additional $7,000.

while many on the headquarters staff were involved in the day to day response to hurricane katrina, other arrl staff members pitched in to cover the organization's day to day operations in membership, publications, vec, club relations, dxcc and contesting. in a very real sense, the response to katrina involved the entire arrl--members, volunteers and staff.

as we pen these words, hurricane rita is bearing down on the texas coast. we all earnestly hope that the lessons learned from katrina will keep rita and subsequent natural disasters from matching katrina for death, destruction and disruption. come what may, we at arrl headquarters will do everything possible to support volunteer amateur radio operators and served agencies that depend on amateur radio, especially...when all else fails.


amateur radio volunteers fill communication gap when telephones fail (oct 25, 2005) -- when a telephone outage occurred in southern california october 18, the long beach emergency communications and operations center (ecoc) declared a "communication failure protocol," and ares/races members and other ham radio volunteers stepped in to help. the outage disabled 911 service in communities along the coast and through parts of los angeles and orange counties. it also cut off at least 150,000 telephone and internet service customers for up to 12 hours along with many cell phone users. radio amateurs worked with police and fire officials to support the departments with auxiliary communications. hams also were stationed at 17 of the largest nursing homes in town. the emergency net successfully relayed traffic through the ecoc to the hospitals, nursing homes and ambulance services, ensuring access to 911. when the city of long beach built its new ecoc three years ago emergency services coordinator casey chel, kd6dov, had the foresight to include a complete amateur radio facility for those rare occasions when all other communication systems might fail. those plans paid off on october 18.--associated
只看该作者 68楼 发表于: 2005-11-06
amateur radio "saved the day" in mississippi; rita recovery continues in texas

newington, ct, oct 7, 2005--amateur radio volunteers in jasper county, texas, continue to support mass-feeding operations by the salvation army, which has been coordinating with other relief agencies to provide meals to residents displaced by hurricane rita. amateur volunteers will meet with salvation army personnel this weekend to discuss the need for amateur radio support beyond this weekend. meanwhile, arrl alabama sm greg sarratt, w4ozk--who's been handling the intake of american red cross volunteers in montgomery, alabama--has been visiting arc shelters along the mississippi gulf coast. shelters there are in the process of closing down. in gulfport, amateur radio volunteers continue to support communication for the emergency operations center (eoc) in harrison county, where they've been a mainstay since hurricane katrina struck in late august.

"if it hadn't been for amateur radio operators, we would not have had communications with other agencies," said col joe spraggins of the harrison county emergency management agency. "even with the advancements in our radio technology, ham radio saved the day! thank you."

christy hardin, kb7bsa, a southern baptist disaster relief volunteer from alabama who, with her husband rick, kb4bsa, has been in the gulf coast twice following hurricane katrina says the mississippi coast amateur radio association's 2-meter repeater never went off the air, even at the height of the storm. "over the two weeks following the storm, hundreds of emergency messages as well as third-party interagency communications were handled," she told arrl.

she had nothing but praise for those who have been volunteering to maintain communication at the eoc 24/7 in some cases despite having lost their own homes to the storm. "the storm came and went and left in its wake the injured, the dead, the destruction which was to become the fabric of nightmares," she said. "the four or five operators who worked around the clock for nearly a month are the true heroes."

in particular, she cited ares district emergency coordinator tom hammack, w4wlf, ray taber, wx5aaa, glover hayden, w5blv, and john moore, w5eg, for serving unselfishly on behalf of mississippi gulf coast residents. an instructor for all three levels of the arrl amateur radio emergency communications course, hardin says she was "thrilled to see it in action" as the eoc volunteers performed as true professionals. "this is why we train in emergency communications," she said. "this is why amateur radio is a vital part of any emergency plan."

south texas arrl section manager ray taylor, n5nav, this week estimated upward of 60 amateur radio volunteers were on the ground in texas, many supporting american red cross-sponsored and makeshift shelters scattered throughout the area. ham radio volunteers are deployed in beaumont and orange. north texas sec bill swan, k5mwc, has been helping to recruit and schedule ares members from his section to assist in the mass-care operations in jasper county.

taylor says radio amateurs in north texas and arkansas have been helping to cover net control shifts and to serve as relay stations for the west gulf ares emergency net on 7.285 mhz days/3.873 mhz evenings.

scott pederson, ki5dr, reports he just returned home from three days in jasper county, texas, working with john wagner, wa5vbp, charles fletcher, n5boy, and john barber, n5jb. "i spent a couple of days with vhf and hf riding around in a salvation army truck," he reports. "our job was to deliver hot meals to various locations around a three-county area with five salvation army trucks and also several red cross trucks working together." ham radio, he says, helped to coordinate the delivery routes by the various agencies involved with an eye toward eliminating duplication. he said vhf fm simplex was okay for local work, but the west gulf ares emergency net was very reliable, although busy with traffic from louisiana.

"even though regular phones are working most of the time, it's really the hams that are the communicators of the group," he said. our ability to understand the issues and express concerns and suggestions in a clear and concise manner has helped solve a variety of issues that crop up during the day.

pederson also lauded the efforts of the salvation army, american red cross and arkansas methodist men's volunteers. "everyone is focused and cares deeply about their tasks," he said, "and things are happening at lightning speed throughout the day."

in louisiana, sec gary stratton, k5gls, said earlier this week that some 45 amateur radio volunteers remained on hurricane recovery duty there. "things are settling down," stratton told arrl.
只看该作者 69楼 发表于: 2005-11-06

我现在所在的nzart auckland branch的club station zl1aa同时也是奥克兰的业余无线电应急通信中心,除了两台发电机以外有三块12v 200ah的铅酸蓄电池保持充满的状态。虽然很多年来都没有真正用过,但没有俱乐部成员对这些应急准备表示任何的疑问,绝对不会说因为原来没有发挥过作用而放弃。

按照应急通信的要求电台必须是一个自给自足的“self sustained”。从电源到食物、饮水都要自己准备充足。nzart每年的field day contest就是应急通信的一个演练,不能使用市电,电台和操作人员必须在帐篷里操作,电台(包括帐篷)必须在比赛当天架设,频段使用40/80m...
只看该作者 70楼 发表于: 2005-11-07
只看该作者 71楼 发表于: 2005-11-07
只看该作者 72楼 发表于: 2005-11-08
只看该作者 73楼 发表于: 2005-11-09
只看该作者 74楼 发表于: 2005-11-10
只看该作者 75楼 发表于: 2005-11-26
在中国的特定形式条件下,有很多事情不是说好事,就一定能办成.   啊!
只看该作者 76楼 发表于: 2005-11-30
只看该作者 77楼 发表于: 2005-12-25
只看该作者 78楼 发表于: 2006-01-29
只看该作者 79楼 发表于: 2006-02-07