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F5MJV is to operate at Clipperton Island [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 0楼 发表于: 2005-03-24
>>> clipperton island <<<

vincent, f5mjv (fo5rn) is currently aboard the french navy ship "prairial",
which tomorrow (march 24) is due to stop for a few hours at clipperton island.

vincent plans to operate as fo0/f8uft between 7 and 12 local time (14-19
utc) on 14045 cw, using batteries and a dipole.

qsl via f5nql, direct or bureau. direct requests should sufficient return
postage (1 irc preferred, otherwise usd 1 for europe and africa and usd 2
for elsewhere).

many thanks to maurice, f5nql for forwarding the information.

[425eng] clipperton