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纪念曼德拉业余电台ZS9MADIBA [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 0楼 发表于: 2013-12-15

ZS9MADIBA – Special call sign        

ZS9MADIBA – Special call sign to celebrate President Nelson Mandala’s legacy – The SARL will be operating special event stations from around South Africa using the call sign ZS9MADIBA. Members of the SARL are invited to apply for time slots to operate ZS9MADIBA from their own shacks. QSLing is via the bureau or by sending your QSL to SARL, P O Box 1721, Strubensvallei 1735, South Africa. You may also use Logbook of the World. To receive the special QSL card by mail, include $1 for postage.
ZS9MADIBA is the South African Radio League Special Event Station commemorating the life and recent passing of Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, elder statesman and first democratically-elected President of the Republic of South Africa. Affectionately referred to as “Madiba”, he became one of the most recognised leaders in the world and was instrumental in the peaceful transition of South Africa from minority rule to a constitutional democracy. South Africans join the people of the world in mourning his passing and celebrating his legacy.

[ 此帖被BH1IEO在2013-12-15 22:10重新编辑 ]
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QTH :未来火星人
Echolink Links Node:15668
WiRES-X Node ID:14231
WiRES-X Room:24231
ALLSTAR Links Node:28559
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APRS:BH1IEO Home IGATE/Yaesu 1DR-5/Kenwood D72E-6/LM3G Mobile-7/GPRS APRS Mobile car-8/Yaesu 400DR Jeep Mobile-9/Mobile phone-12
只看该作者 1楼 发表于: 2013-12-15
This is the QRZ page for the South African Radio League Special Event Station commemorating the life and recent passing of Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, elder statesman and first democratically-elected president of the Republic of South Africa. Affectionately referred to as “Madiba”, he became one of the most recognized leaders in the world and was instrumental in the peaceful transition of South Africa from minority rule to a constitutional democracy. South Africans join the people of the world in mourning his passing and celebrating his legacy.

ZS9MADIBA will be operational until the 11th of January 2014, at times and on frequencies to be determined. We will be operating on HF bands from 160m to 10m, on SSB, CW and digital modes. When you do find us, please be sure to spot us on the DX cluster.

QSLs will be confirmed via the ARRL Logbook of the World (LoTW), and a special event paper QSL. To receive the special QSL card by mail, please send an SAE and include $1 for postage; alternatively, you may apply via the QSL Buro.

We apologize for the hiccups in getting the QRZ page running; all QSOs logged until now will be acknowledged.

NEWS FLASH: Royal Cape Yacht Club flotilla will be sailing to Robben Island this morning while Madiba burial takes place at Qunu. On board will be ZS1S operating HF (20m/15m) from 09:00UTC - try for a QSL on ZS9MADIBA M/M, it'll be a rare one!

[ 此帖被BH1IEO在2013-12-15 22:17重新编辑 ]
燕  巴  虎  开 始 玩 户 外 了
QTH :未来火星人
Echolink Links Node:15668
WiRES-X Node ID:14231
WiRES-X Room:24231
ALLSTAR Links Node:28559
Echolink brought us into the 21st century
APRS:BH1IEO Home IGATE/Yaesu 1DR-5/Kenwood D72E-6/LM3G Mobile-7/GPRS APRS Mobile car-8/Yaesu 400DR Jeep Mobile-9/Mobile phone-12
只看该作者 2楼 发表于: 2013-12-16


只看该作者 3楼 发表于: 2013-12-16
回 BG6IYQ 的帖子
BG6IYQ:看不懂英文,在什么地方发射? (2013-12-16 07:28) 

ZS9MADIBA will be operational until the 11th of January 2014, at times and on frequencies to be determined. We will be operating on HF bands from 160m to 10m, on SSB, CW and digital modes. When you do find us, please be sure to spot us on the DX cluster.

燕  巴  虎  开 始 玩 户 外 了
QTH :未来火星人
Echolink Links Node:15668
WiRES-X Node ID:14231
WiRES-X Room:24231
ALLSTAR Links Node:28559
Echolink brought us into the 21st century
APRS:BH1IEO Home IGATE/Yaesu 1DR-5/Kenwood D72E-6/LM3G Mobile-7/GPRS APRS Mobile car-8/Yaesu 400DR Jeep Mobile-9/Mobile phone-12
只看该作者 4楼 发表于: 2013-12-16
E文网站代理群:368045942   DIGI模式群:152930364 免费算APRS-IS验证码
淘宝小店:https://bh4txn.taobao.com 英文网站注册及日志代理                
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只看该作者 5楼 发表于: 2013-12-16
规则和时间表请移步吧,懒着再发了: http://bbs.bfcar.com/showthread.asp?threadid=389&page=end#end
燕  巴  虎  开 始 玩 户 外 了
QTH :未来火星人
Echolink Links Node:15668
WiRES-X Node ID:14231
WiRES-X Room:24231
ALLSTAR Links Node:28559
Echolink brought us into the 21st century
APRS:BH1IEO Home IGATE/Yaesu 1DR-5/Kenwood D72E-6/LM3G Mobile-7/GPRS APRS Mobile car-8/Yaesu 400DR Jeep Mobile-9/Mobile phone-12
只看该作者 6楼 发表于: 2013-12-17