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请教vx-800U机型写频与扩频知识。 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 0楼 发表于: 2013-05-18
这款威泰克斯的机器是日本原装机器。现在频率范围是450-485  。


扩频就更资料特别少,除了硬调的话还有其他的软阔办法么。比如像GM300  建武系列可以用软件扩写。

:eek: :eek: 刮风 :( :(
只看该作者 1楼 发表于: 2013-08-14
姓名:赵可民。      地址:山西省侯马市温泉花园。    手机:1393伍柒柒玖188.    邮编:043000.   支付宝:603864809@qq.com  邮箱:bg3uvf@qq.com       bg3uvf@gmail.com           他人笑我太疯癫,我笑他人看不穿。
只看该作者 2楼 发表于: 2013-08-17


There is a way to do field programming.

You need to short pins 3 and 7 of the external mic connector, then hold down the lamp and PTT button while powering the radio on. You will see "FIELD" in the display. (The "lamp" button is the bottom button below PTT.)

Pins 3 and 7 are the 2nd and 4th pin down on the left side as you are looking into the connector on the side of the radio.

Then using the channel knob, select the function you want to program, and using the top and side Set buttons change the entries.

For frequency, use the toggle switch to select MHz, tenths, hundredths and the top/side set buttons to change the applicable item. (The side "set" button is the top button above the PTT, and the top "set" button is the orange button.)

After changing an entry, turn the channel knob to another position to "enter" the change.

Power the radio off and back on to go back to normal operating mode.

the radio goes all the way down to the 438MHz. but only works with the older models. newer models w/ keypads only go a couple MHz down. This works without the Hex. The only thing that sucks is the that theres no mixed between DPL/PL. some ham repeaters are set to a DPL input and PL output. but the only way to do this is to leave decoder CSQ/OFF. if the repeater is output is 441.000/ 100.0 pl and the input is 446.100/ 071 DPL. then on the software you would choose DCS/decorder off/encoder 071.

thats the only way it would work. make sure you set the SQ to 7 so you dont grab all the garbage on simplex.
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