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只看楼主 倒序阅读 0楼 发表于: 2013-02-05
排序标准:2kHz 三阶动态范围

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"Smile" when you talk. Sound happy and relaxed. People like to call happy people.
只看该作者 1楼 发表于: 2013-02-06

[ 此帖被BG0APD在2013-02-06 14:08重新编辑 ]
只看该作者 2楼 发表于: 2013-02-06
孙晓   山东莱阳  QQ:1257244053  手机:一三六八八六七五一三九
IC-705 FT-818ND 50W功放
IC-705 FT-818ND KX3 100W功放
只看该作者 3楼 发表于: 2013-02-06
回 BG4IGX 的帖子
BG4IGX:IC-7000最后? (2013-02-06 08:33) 

另外,排序的的条件是2kHz 三阶动态范围,并不代表唯一...
我的微博: http://t.sina.com.cn/ba7nq
我的BLOG: http://ba7nq.blog.163.com
我的位置: http://aprs.fi/?call=ba7nq-9
"Smile" when you talk. Sound happy and relaxed. People like to call happy people.
只看该作者 4楼 发表于: 2013-02-08


K0TF     Rating: 2/5     Dec 28, 2011 11:45     Send this review to a friend
FTDX5000 – good but not the best.      Time owned: 3 to 6 months
If your main interest in ham radio is ragchewing under reasonably good band
conditions with little interest in hard-core DXing and contesting, or having a weekly
chat on your “warts and bunions” net on 75m, then please don’t read further if you
are considering buying an FTDX5000. Read the good reviews of the radio and be
content with your purchase. If however your main joy is dragging marginal signals
out of noise on the low bands, and serious contesting, then you may be interested in
my comments.
What a disappointment this radio was after the eHam reviews, the various magazine
reviews and the Sherwood measurements. My overall verdict is "A good radio but
not up to the mark". This review may seem to consist of nit-picking in parts but if I
am spending over $6000 on a radio then damn right, nit-picking it will be. It could be
I had a Friday afternoon job or a lemon. Maybe, but spending that sort of money then
it just should not be possible. If someone wants to lend me a known-good FT5000 for
further tests, or bring theirs here for a head to head with my K3, then I will have a
chocolate K3 made, and eat it if the FT5000 is better.
Having spent a lot of money one doesn’t want to admit to bad judgement in a
purchase. You feel such a fool. I have dithered long and hard about buying the
FT5000 as apart from the arcane ergonomics of the K3, I am a very happy user. What
drove me over the edge to make a commitment to purchase the FTDX5000 was the
magazine reviews (of which more later) and the recent earthquake in JA which
seriously has affected production at the Yaesu facility. I was concerned that
further dithering might mean no availability for months. An old saying comes to mind
about deciding in haste and then repenting at one's leisure. However, it seemed like a
good idea at the time.
I have never been terribly enthusiastic about lab reviews. Signal generators and hybrid
combiners are fine in a test lab. The bands aren’t like that. Copy is often combating a
mess of competing stations, QRN, fading, multipath, noise and other factors. What
governs deriving intelligence from the mess is a mixture of receive filter and
synthesizer performance, AGC and audio characteristics. Really the only test that
works is careful and lengthy A/B comparisons on the air against a good radio of
known standard.
With regard to the published numbers and the magazine reviews, yes they are a guide.
Having read them my only concerns were the poor 100Khz rejection in the Sherwood
review and a report I had had from a well-respected UK DXer that there were bad key
clicks when using QSK and also internally generated spurries on 160m. I noticed neither
in my tests. Incidentally, can anyone tell me why Rob Sherwood put it in 1st place
ahead of the K3 when the numbers are pretty head-to-head apart from the 100 KHz
rejection and ultimate filter rejection for the FT5000, surely reason for demotion to
third or lower place?
Just a word about what I expect about a radio.... Although I expect the usual things
from the transmit side, it, what I expect above all in a good radio is excellent receive
performance in challenging conditions. The main interests are CW DXing and
contesting on the low bands, and 160 in particular. A receiver has to be top-class so
already the IC7700 and 7800 have been assigned to the "not quite good enough"
category. Well, the 7700 was quite good on receive but ICOM's amazing decision not
even to put dual-watch on it ruled it out totally. Kenwood’s latest TS-590 might be a
contender but without a second receiver then it is unlikely to please.
Anyway, enter the "wonderful" FTDX5000. I see so many 5/5 reviews of this radio
believe me, my tests have been long and extensive, as in the first evening of tests I did
think "This has to be me and not this expensive radio." After spending close to the
price of a small car, and having seen what many prominent DXers have said about
this radio, I really tried to like it.
My main interest being CW, I installed the 300Hz roofing filter and had the radio on
an A/B switch with the K3 to allow direct comparisons to be made. Same antenna,
same headphones. The K3 has the 400Hz and 250Hz filters in the main RX so the
comparisons have been made with 250Hz bandwidths on both radios with the 300HZ
roofer in the FT5000 and the DSP bandwidth set to 250 Hz too. Only the main
receivers were compared, with AGC, passband and filter bandwidths as close to
identical as could be achieved. I've seen in other reviews that the second RX of the
FT5000 is rather poor. My K3 second receiver seems pretty good, but no A/B tests
were made there.
I put it on the bench beside the K3 as one might, and immediately noticed how
difficult it was to read the signal path part of the FT5000 display for VFO A without
bringing my head down to the level of the radio, even with the front legs raised to
present a better viewing angle. The display is slightly recessed unlike the K3 and the
irritation was immediate. With such an expensive radio this is an astounding
ergonomic error.
Some of the legends on the controls are also difficult to read from a normal viewing
position. Many of the controls are dual-concentric and protrude to such an extent that
the top row of knobs on the left obscure the legends of the bottom row from a normal
viewing angle. At least with the K3 the most used functions of a particular multifunction
knob are assigned a legend ON THE TOP of it, which allows better viewing
from the normal position of the operator’s head, which for most of us is above the
radio. The FT5000 light grey legends on a dark grey case background seem fairly
idiotic contrasted with the K3's excellent clear white on black. These might appear to
be rather petty observations but when you are shattered after 40 hours of non-stop
contesting then anything adding to difficulty of operating really does matter.
Congratulations Elecraft - what you did with the knobs and colors did not happen by
accident, but the lack of proper band buttons was quite frankly an act of madness.
During the testing, which was done on 160, 80 and 40M mainly CW, there was never
a time on either CW or SSB when the FT5000 gave better copy than the K3,
measured by the ability to read the received CW. Indeed there was never a time when
it was as good as the K3 on weak and difficult signals, and I can say that without any
doubt at all, and after having tried everything (even reading the manual) to optimize
FT5000 receive performance. Considerable time was spent listening to ZS2CX and
YC0LOW on 160m. These signals would have merited 449 on peaks. I would put the
copy percentage as 80% with the K3 and 50% with the FT5000. Similar results were
seen on HS0ZEE on 80m and V85SS on 40. All these on CW, and all these tests were
made over several hours with many many changes to and fro eliminating QSB and
conditions effects. Hard to describe why copy was so much poorer with the FT5000
but signals seemed mushy and mucky with the FT5000 with considerably more
background noise. The dots and dashes of the copied CW were not as separate, clear
and distinct as they were with the K3. Sometimes the difference was stunning, and
always in favor of the K3.
Another thing that was extremely noticeable was that there was some kind of ringing
or phase distortion on received CW signals with the FT5000 if there were many in
the filter passband, and no I was not using the audio peak filter. Hard to describe this
more precisely, but when listening to the pile ups for the ZS and YC on 160, signals
from the many callers merged into a ringing mess on the FT5000 whereas they could
be separated and copied with the K3. This would be a killer in a pile-up situation on
receive. Some have said that there are AGC and filter group delay problems with the
K3 when receiving in a pile-up. Those people should try this FT5000 in that context!
.Some brief tests were made on SSB on 80m and the K3 recovered audio was much
clearer than the FT5000 every time. Comparative tests were made to assess the
bandwidth down the skirts on both modes. The K3 was again the winner, but this
was much less noticeable on CW than on SSB. I don’t use SSB much and I was
surprised how good the K3 stock 2.7KHz filter is, or disappointed in how poor the
FT5000 skirts were compared with the K3 and with the published filter slope
All is not bad though. The K3's principal ergonomic problem is the insane absence of
proper band buttons and a band-stacking register. The FT5000 was a delight in that
respect. Over time I have become used to the multi-function buttons on the K3 but
still make mistakes and end up by for instance invoking a different VOX setting when
I press the BAND button. I did think that the control set of the FT5000 would allow
for better operation but after an evening or two I found that once I had set up the radio
to my preferences, the multiplicity of buttons and knobs became rather superfluous.
Fine if you want your radio to look like the control panel of the Space Shuttle, but I
just want mine to hear stations well and have frequently used controls available.
Although it is of no consequence to my buying decisions, I didn’t much like the styling
of the FT5000, particularly compared to ICOM radios for instance. OK, the K3 sucks
from the point of view of the control knobs and the homebrew appearance of the
cabinet, but all is forgiven on account of the receiver.
The other major disadvantage of the K3 is that the CW keying characteristics are
rather soft. There is no menu setting to shorten the rise time, although Elecraft have
talked about making that an option. This means that other stations can come right
close to a K3 user with their often-clicky signals. Nobody can convince me that those
clicks are not deliberately engineered on many occasions, and seem to appear in the
major contests, particularly where a club callsign is being used and a personal callsign
is not fingered as a result.. There is no defense as the clicks are within the excellent
receive passband of the K3 and one just has to suffer them. Frankly, one of the
attractions of buying an FT5000 was that if necessary, I would at least have
been able to fight fire with fire, as some of the stations in some of the contests take no
notice of polite requests to check if their transmitter is clean and only respond to a
dose of the medicine they themselves mete out to others. With the FT5000 it is rather
useful to be able if required to shorten the rise time to 1mS which makes for a very
dirty clicky signal, which sorry to say is the only thing some of those guys will take
note of. However, the ability to generate a dirty signal isn’t what I buy a radio for, but
it would be quite handy sometimes.
The other major irritation I found with the FT5000 was the poor sidetone which was
mushy and full of audio artifacts when compared with the purer tone of the K3. I
know it shouldn’t be, but a poor sidetone puts at risk the quality of my CW, which
sadly can deteriorate badly if I am tired and have to listen to a sidetone that is
Anyway, in conclusion....I bought the FT5000 on the basis of what others said about it
and the plan was to have it as my main transceiver with the K3 being used as a second
radio/spare. However, having tried the radio over many hours for nearly a week, it
just is not good enough to be used as the main radio, and is far too expensive to be
sitting on the shack table as a reserve radio. The K3 is still the best. Contrary to what
others have said, the king is not dead. Long live the king!
P.S. Since author of this review more afraid to damage his business relations with Yeasu, I took liberty of publishing this article under my name.
Enjoy DXing!

只看该作者 5楼 发表于: 2013-02-08

QRPNEW     Rating: 5/5     Jan 18, 2012 04:39     Send this review to a friend
Excellent radio      Time owned: 3 to 6 months
Exceptional radio, 6 months ownership. The receiver and transmitter are both truly a work of art. I am not a brand loyalist, all I want to do is use the best possible transceiver. Since owning the FT5K, I have got rid of a K3, lex5000, and a IC7700.

The best radio for comparison would be the K3. The FT5K outshines the K3 in RX audio quality, TX transmit IMD performance, general TX audio and the ergonomics just leaves the K3 for dead. I wont endlessly nit pick on the K3, the FT5K just outclasses it in all aspects. The only advantage that the K3 has is the true diversity dual receiver which is better. Other than this the FT5K is better in every other possible way.

The 200 watts of clean output combined with 75 watts in class A is superb. It drives my 8877 amp so well that I regularly get comments and call ins congratulating me on how clean my signal is. I have never had anyone call me on any other brand of radio saying you have a big signal 40db over S9 and that my signal was so clean with good TX audio! The K3 is appallingly filthy at 100 watts by comparison. The K3 when examined on a SDR receiver has horrible IMD on TX at 110 watts. You can only make the higher order 11th order products reduce to a low level at 10 watts. Even
the 10 watt PA in the K3 is cleaner at 10 watts than the 100 watt PA is at 10 watts. This is one aspect of the K3 that is very disappointing. 200 watts is a fantastic power, 99.99% of the time you dont have to turn on a linear if you running a beam. I mostly operate CW and rarely need to turn on the linear with its 200 watt of output.

The FT5000 is a winner regardless of how critical you are. In every QST benchmark test it beats or is equal to the K3. Its nice when a nice set of lab numbers translates into performance that can be noticed.

What I dont like is the Sm5000 band scope, its useless.Not that the tiny P3 was any better. The P3 has only 200khz of coverage its screen is poor and way too small. The P3 also has a very slow firmware update schedule and is not even close to something like the Yaesu DMU unit on the FT2000. The P3 would have been a lot better if it was the same size as the K3 and it sat on top of the k3. On the left or right of the K3 its awkward having to take your eyes off the radio for viewing. In this regard the Icom and flex radios have the right idea, you should be looking straight ahead at the panadapter. Elecraft also makes lots of promises and takes forever to deliver on their promises for features. They bait buyers with promises and deliver them so slowly. At least when you buy a yaesu everything thats in the brochure is there and is working 100% The only reason I bought the sm5000 was that I wanted the 0.05PPM OCXO.

This radio is so stable I hardly bother turning on my Trimble Thunderbolt for calibration checks. The K3's so called TCXO is poor because you can be off as much as 40hz off frequency. Even with the TCXO lock board installed it was all over the map when hooked to the Trimble. Everytime you turned the K3 on with the trimble connected the
compensating frequency was totally different. Meaning that you could not dial in the correct calibration frequency in and expect it to be the same tomorrow. The FT5000 when checked on a daily basis is rock solid. This might not be a fair comparison comparing a 1ppm cheap TCXO to a true OCXO, point is that its better! The K3's TCXO in reality is more like a 4ppm TCXO.

The ergonomics of the FT5000 is superb. The K3 is the poorest radio I have ever used for ergonomics. You constantly mess up with the double function buttons. I blew up a test instrument because i forgot that the tune power was set at 100 watts and the real power set on 1 watt. Why did i screw up? because of the stupidity of putting a tune and XMIT function on
one button. The K3 is worst than dumb when it comes to its ergonomics. Not having band and mode buttons is plain pathetic in my opinion. I really hated the K3 because of this one issue, ergonomics and smallness. Mickey Mouse radio that skated over the desk and the Anderson power pole cable kept hitting the desk and falling out, useless!

Price wise the Ft5000 seems like a lot, when you add up the K3's total cost the FT5K is a good deal and is certainly much better radio for the money. The quality of construction just leaves the K3 for dead. The K3 when put alongside a FT5000 is like comparing a old tractor with a latest model Mercedes.

Yaesu needs to be congratulated for producing such a perfect radio that is relatively free of bugs, modifications and updates. The FT5000 is the best radio that I have bought in the last 10 years. Its performance matches its price and makes you feel that you own something thats prestigious and that also performs well. The IC7700 for example was all hype, expensive price with rather mediocre performance. The Flex5000 was just one big can of worms that i did not
have time and patience for. Too many bugs and problems.

If yaesu keeps on producing radios like the Ft5000 it will NO1 for a long time. Lets hope they will also produce a cut down single receiver version of the Ft5000 like they did with the FT990/FT1000D radios. I would be very happy with a single receiver 200 watt baby FT5000.

FT5000= a real mans radio with real contest receiver performance what more can you ask for? Californian kilowatt no problems 200 watts or class A what more do you want? Go buy it you will not have a single regret.

Enjoy DXing!

只看该作者 6楼 发表于: 2013-02-10
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只看该作者 7楼 发表于: 2013-02-10
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BG4IGX:IC-7000最后? (2013-02-06 08:33) 

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威海HAM基地(高区东涝台); Y3C11  R8   X510
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只看该作者 14楼 发表于: 2015-01-16
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只看该作者 15楼 发表于: 2015-01-16
三是最好的,国王没4,他还何着。。。。。那个应该放在煤蓬里  PK  不要用那些有雌激素的东西,这才是真汉子用的刀片。。。。。。。明显的是两个托,在掐架嘛。。。。。。。
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