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kx3  px3对应固件 firmware (2.19) [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 0楼 发表于: 2014-09-04
Hi all,

You may have noticed that KX3 rev. 2.18 firmware just went to Production status (meaning you can download it to your KX3 with one click from within KX3 Utility). The associated release notes can be found below.

Meanwhile, because we're _really_ starting to ship PX3s, I'm hoping to convince a few of you to test yet another release of KX3 firmware (2.19) that has one important change required for use with the PX3. Rev. 2.19 is not a very exciting firmware release, but it does need testing, so I would be grateful for a bit of help to ensure we didn't break anything.

If you're interested in testing KX3 rev. 2.19 tonight, please email me directly in the next hour.

Thanks a lot!
- Day After Day -