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bg7ko 2020-09-08 09:53

阿诺德 斯皮尔伯格( W8IDX , W9AUM) 著名导演斯皮尔伯格的父亲 ,103岁,SK

Arnold Spielberg, radio amateur, father of famous filmmaker, SK

There are many obits now being written on the recent passing of Arnold Spielberg, the father of Steven, a huge celebrity in cinema. Most of these report the fact that Arnold had his own quite significant career in electronic engineering, and he credits that to being a radio amateur, formerly W8IDX and W9AUM. His daughter Sue specifically mentions inspiration from involvement in amateur radio. Hope you appreciate the story too.

Arnold Spielberg, father of Steven Spielberg, dies at 103

LOS ANGELES — Arnold Spielberg, father of acclaimed film director Steven Spielberg, died of natural causes Tuesday at the age of 103, his family announced.

Arnold Spielberg,
a pioneering computer designer, helped design General Electric’s GE-225 mainframe computer, enabling researchers at Dartmouth College to develop the coding tool known as BASIC that paved the way for personal computers, The Hollywood Reporter reported.

“When I see a PlayStation, when I look at a cell phone — from the smallest calculator to an iPad — I look at my dad and I say, ‘My dad and a team of geniuses started that,’” Steven Spielberg said, Variety reported.

According to the outlet, the elder Spielberg was born Feb. 6, 1917, in Cincinnati, Ohio. By the age of 6, he turned his family’s attic into a makeshift lab to create inventions. He received his first ham radio at 12, opening the door “to a lifetime of sharing stories with strangers over the airwaves.”

Sue Spielberg, one of Arnold Spielberg’s three daughters, said that radio connected her father to the world and changed his entire perspective.

“He made friends over the radio. He heard from people he never knew existed. He connected with strangers, and this affability is something he carried over into real life, often befriending another person in line at Starbucks or the table next to him,” Sue Spielberg told Variety.

Read more about Arnold Spielberg’s career and his influence on his children’s professional pursuits

Below are additional links to more detailed information on Arnold Spielbergs life, career, and amateur radio activities.

An excerpt from University of Cincinnati's Computing History blog - The grandfather of ET and the father of the modern Point-of-Sale system

Arnold was also a ham radio operator (call sign of W8IDX) using a system he had built himself. He was more interested in electronics than working at his cousins’ department store. He had to change his call sign while living in Kentucky to W9AUM (Always Under Modulated). He also built a phone transmitter during that time. He learned the department store business which paid later in his life. He went from stock-boy to assistant manager. In 1940 he was transferred to a store in Richmond, KY where he served as a co-manager. He learned a lot about managing a business, skills that would serve him well later in life.

An interview by GE with Arnold Spielberg at age 100.

There are more if you search, Google is your friend.

73, John, WØPV

bg6odi 2020-09-08 10:08

大傻 2020-09-08 17:17
bg6odi:满屏鸟语,拆开每个字母都认识,合起来就不知所云了。 (2020-09-08 10:08) 

斯皮尔伯格的老爹,  少年时就取得火腿执照, 二战时任轰炸机报务员


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