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AMSAT的RadFxSat-2 / Fox-1E的发射窗口将于12月19日打开 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 正序阅读 0楼 发表于: 2020-12-03

Virgin Orbit宣布其LauncherOne Launch Demo 2任务的发射窗口将于12月19日打开。此次发射将把AMSAT的RadFxSat-2 / Fox-1E送入轨道。
与RadFxSat / Fox-1B(现为AMSAT-OSCAR 91)一样,RadFxSat-2是范德比尔特大学与AMSAT之间的合作机会,并将进行类似的辐射效应实验,研究新的FinFET技术。
RadFxSat-2是AMSAT制造的第五颗也是最后的Fox-1卫星。RadFxSat-2航天器总线基于Fox-1系列,但具有线性应答器“升级”功能,以替代Fox-1A到D的标准FM应答器。此外,上行链路和下行链路频段与以前的Fox卫星相反在模式V / u(J)配置中,使用2米的上行链路和70 cm的下行链路。下行链路具有1200 bps BPSK遥测信道,除了可用于业余无线电的30 kHz宽转发器外,还可以传输范德比尔特科学数据。遥测和实验数据可以使用FoxTelem 1.09版或更高版本进行解码。FoxTelem可从https://www.amsat.org/foxtelem-software-for-windows-mac-linux/获得
由于AMSAT Engineering寻求成功启动并指示卫星开始适应太空时的总体健康状况和功能,因此必须在世界上尽可能多的地方尽可能多的站参与遥测收集。AMSAT将向第一个接收RadFxSat-2遥测数据的站点发送一份纪念性3D打印QSL卡。

1.2kbps BPSK遥测435.750 MHz

Launch Window for AMSAT’s RadFxSat-2 / Fox-1E Opens December 19th

December 2, 2020 by Paul Stoetzer

Virgin Orbit has announced that the launch window for their LauncherOne Launch Demo 2 mission opens on December 19th. This launch will carry AMSAT’s RadFxSat-2 / Fox-1E to orbit.
RadFxSat-2, like RadFxSat / Fox-1B, now AMSAT-OSCAR 91, is a partnership opportunity between Vanderbilt University and AMSAT and will carry a similar radiation effects experiment, studying new FinFET technology.
RadFxSat-2 is the fifth and final Fox-1 satellite built by AMSAT. The RadFxSat-2 spacecraft bus is built on the Fox-1 series but features a linear transponder “upgrade” to replace the standard FM transponder in Fox-1A through D. In addition, the uplink and downlink bands are reversed from the previous Fox satellites in a Mode V/u (J) configuration using a 2 meter uplink and 70 cm downlink. The downlink features a 1200 bps BPSK telemetry channel to carry the Vanderbilt science data in addition to a 30 kHz wide transponder for amateur radio use. Telemetry and experiment data can be decoded using FoxTelem version 1.09 or later. FoxTelem is available at [url]https://www.amsat.org/foxtelem-software-for-windows-mac-linux/[/url].
Participation in telemetry collection by as many stations in as many parts of the world as possible is essential as AMSAT Engineering looks for successful startup and indications of the general health and function of the satellite as it begins to acclimate to space. AMSAT will send a commemorative 3D printed QSL card to the first station capturing telemetry from RadFxSat-2.
RadFxSat-2 (Fox-1E) – Launch Window Opens December 19th
Uplink LSB145.860 MHzthrough145.890 MHz
Downlink USB435.760 MHzthrough435.790 MHz
Launches on ELaNa XX – Virgin Orbit LauncherOne Launch Demo 2. 1.2kbps BPSK telemetry 435.750 MHz