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介绍一批Morse代码学习软件 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 0楼 发表于: 2008-11-12

hxpi morse jabberwocky new - a translation of jabberwocky into morse code. the famous nonsense poem jabberwocky by lewis carroll, from alice through the looking glass, has been translated into many languages. here it is in morse code, as mp3 audio files that can be downloaded. the files are at different speeds (words per minute, wpm) to suit those at different stages of learning morse code.

code quick pop - master code in 30 days, code quick the fastest way to master code.

cwt pop - cwt, a morse code learning program for msdos by dk5li

dmorse & wdmorse pop - dmorse freeware teaches morse code in simple steps. it is useful both for those starting to learn morse and for those who wish to increase their speed. dos and windows versions available.

ham university pop - ham university includes morse code lessons, graded exercises, and a game.

morse99 pop - morse99 is the industry standard morse code tutorial for pilots in the uk. fully windows compatible with sound card support and a palm version too.

morsecat updated pop - a freeware windows morse code trainer for beginners and experts by dk5ci

super morse pop - "super morse is the original comprehensive morse code training program for the pc. super morse permits the user to learn the morse characters in a very orderly way using several different methods, including one unique to super morse; build speed with special exercises; by wd5cid"

abc morse code - morse tutor for the palm - if you're just looking for a cool morse code reference tool, abcmorse in unregistered mode will do everything you need! if you want to flash morse code messages using the backlight of your palm pilot, this will do it! farnsworth support, flashing backlight support, huge font in random free run mode, a cool scrolly bar when listening to qsos, a handy morse-to-text-and-back translator / converter, built-in q code quiz, for palm os 3.5 or higher

codemaster v - world-wide reputation as the morse code training package for either the newcomer to morse code, or the experienced user who wants to improve his or her receiving skills

cw contest trainer - using the same basic software modules as my koch method trainer, this software throws you into the thick of an imaginary contest. shareware

cw player updated - simple freeware program generates morse caracters and q codes. it needs a sound card and win95.

cyberdx-cw - cyberdx-cw is a software simulation of an amateur radio station monitoring the world. generates a simulated radio environment, where the operator can tune all of the hf bands and actually hear computer generated station activity

dotdash v1.0 - dotdash is a free morsetrainer for the palm pilot with features such as "train random words", "learn alphabet", recognize random abbreviations, different speed settings, morse text as you write etc.

ebook2cw - text to morse - ebook2cw is a command line program (optional gui available) which converts a plain text ebook to morse code mp3 files. it works on several platforms, including windows and linux.

fa palm - morse - morse for palm os is the perfect program for anyone who wants to learn morse code or just increase their speed. with over a dozen lessons, morse makes learning morse code easy and fun. each lesson has been designed to help you learn morse code as quickly as possible while ensuring your success.

fast morse - macintosh morse code software, fast morse will convert any text you enter into the original morse code equivalent, and play it on your speakers. the speed can be adjusted to anything from 1 to 35 words per minute if your computer can keep up, allowing you to send morse signals at a rate your friends and fellow morse enthusiasts can follow!

g4uxd morse supa tuta - "full details, reviews and testimonials of the widely-acclaimed, fully-functioned, qso-format g4uxd morse ""supa-tuta"", recommended by rsgb morse examiners and ideal for the koch method."

int. morse code program information - this program is designed to help the beginner learn to receive and send the international morse code.

just learn morse code priority listing - an excellent tool that makes it easy to learn and practice morse code.

koch method cw trainer updated - based on the koch method as described by david g. finley, n1irz, this software allows you to start out at the full speed you want to achieve by learning two letters and adding an additional letter once you reach 90% proficiency.

learn cw online updated - at lcwo you can learn morse telegraphy (cw) online in your browser. you don't need to install a program on your computer, and you always have your personal settings available, from any computer on the globe with an internet connection. you can also easily track your progress by means of different statistical functions.

morse academy - online documentation and overview about morse academy, shareware cw learning software

morse alp - morse code learning software in spanish by ea8alp

morse code - morse code training, practice and exam program by stormy weather software ltd

morse code madness - a freeware windows based morse code program written in visual basic 6 with source code freely available! the program uses directx directsound for some features. you may download the source code and/or the executable at the bottom of the page.

morse code master - highly innovative, audio-visual morse code training software for 'slow' and farnsworth methods from stratosoft.

morse code practice java applet - cw ear trainer for java-enabled browsers. sends custom text, random groups of letters/digits/punctuation, or any random characters. 5-18 wpm code speed (18 wpm character speed).

morse code teaching machine - source code for morse training program and a ready-to-use compiled application morse.exe

morse code translator widget - macintosh widget converts text to morse code and vice versa

morse maker - morsemaker is an up-to-date replacement for the morse machine shown further down this page. it has been re-written using a different programming language and is now entirely 'stand-alone' requiring no run-time support files. this version also works with windows xp and can use the soundcard but please note that, unlike its predecessor, it does not split the alphabet into smaller 'learning' blocks and does not incorporate the morse reader.

morse partner - "you tap on computer keyboard in morse; what you tapped appears as letters on screen."

morse pilot - morse pilot is a popular and very comprehensive freeware morse code tutor, trainer with decoder and encoder functions. morse pilot is intended for personal training, for example for radio ham or aviation examinations.

morse quiz - freeware by ae4rv. morsequiz is a morse code speed trainer for dos/windows that can help you improve your code copying ability.

morse runner - freeware contest simulator for windows 95/98/me/nt4/2000/xp copyright (c) 2004-2006 alex shovkoplyas, ve3nea

morse test - if you're one of the many hams whose principal operating mode is ssb, then the easiest way to increase your enjoyment of the hobby is to use cw. if you disagree with that statement, then there's a good chance, if you're honest with yourself, that the reason is because you have never been good enough at morse to make using it an enjoyable experience

morse tutor - morse tutor is a dos based program written in c++. it can be used to practice morse code. various options are available. morse tutor with complete source code and binary is available for download (32kb).

morse tutor gold - morse tutor gold by ggte quality software for amateur radio.

morsegen - morsegen is a simple program the purpose of which is to generate morse code at whatever speed you feel comfortable reading, for practice purposes. it wasn't designed to be a tutor for those who know no morse at all, although you might find it useful for that purpose. it doesn't have a feature for sending small character groups over and over, although this can easily be achieved by creating text files containing the character groups you want to practice.

mosh - morse code freeware by sm6kfy, english and swedish version available

mrx software - mrx morse code for windows 9x/nt is a program designed to teach morse code receive and transmit using the benefits of multi-media pc technology

mvlearning - educational software for palm pilot and windows that quickly teaches signal flags and morse code using mnemonic techniques and a well designed flashcard program

my morse trainer - easy and simple morse code training program for windows

numorse - numorse is a feature packed array of training aids that will hone your code receiving skills in the least possible time

ped cw pileup trainer - ped is a cw pileup trainer written by masiii. it is a free software. it requires dos and soundblaster compatible sound source.

pile up! updated - pile up! is a cw contest training program. the program requires a soundblaster (or compatible) card available for linux and windows 95.

pocket cw - pocket cw is a morse code learning tool for pda running windows ce

ppcmorse - ppcmorse and ppcmorse pro are morse code traning/sending utilities for pocketpc pdas (such as the ipaq, jordana and cassiopea).

precision cw - software to train reading morse code or software to run cw mode or even coherent cw mode on your amateur radio equipment from your pc.

rufz-cw - yet another freeware morse code training software

sccw for linux - sound card cw for linux

smart morse - morse code tutoring program for the palm powered pda. the main feature that separates smart morse from other programs of this nature is the fact that this program learns about you as you practice

ssb pileup player - it plays back max 10 wav audio data as one real ssb pileup windows98/nt4

wa6ehl morse programs - code-p, code-t morse code tutor programs shareware and freeware.

winmorse - convert text into morse code. it does this by reading text from one of three sources: the windows clipboard, a file, or you may directly type the text. winmorse outputs the morse code as a standard windows wav file
只看该作者 1楼 发表于: 2008-11-12
只看该作者 2楼 发表于: 2008-11-12
只看该作者 3楼 发表于: 2008-11-12
http://translate.google.cn/translate_t# 翻译成中文。

hxpi莫尔斯jabberwocky新-以j abberwocky翻译成摩尔斯电码。著名的废话诗jabberwocky的刘易斯卡罗尔,从爱丽丝透过玻璃看,已被翻译成多种语文。以下是在莫尔斯电码,如mp3音频文件,可以下载。这些文件以不同的速度(每分钟的话,每分钟字数) ,以适应这些不同阶段的学习莫尔斯电码。

代码快速弹出-主码在3 0天内,码快速最快的方法掌握的代码。

小波变换弹出-连续小波变换的莫尔斯电码的学习计划m sdos的d k5li

dmorse & wdmorse流行-d morse免费教摩尔斯电码在简单的步骤。它是有用的为那些刚开始学习莫尔斯和那些谁希望增加他们的速度。 dos和windows版本。


morse99流行-m orse99是行业标准的莫尔斯电码教程飞行员在英国。窗户完全兼容声卡支持和palm版本太多。

morsecat最新流行-以免费的窗口莫尔斯电码教练机为初学者和专家的d k5ci

超级莫尔斯流行-“超级莫尔斯是原来的莫尔斯电码的全面培训计划的p c。超级莫尔斯允许用户学习莫尔斯字符在一个非常有秩序的方式使用几种不同的方法,其中包括一个独一无二的超级莫尔斯;建设速度,特别演习;的wd5cid “

abc的莫尔斯电码-莫尔斯导师的棕榈-如果你只是寻找一个凉爽莫尔斯电码的参考工具,在未登记的a b cmorse模式将尽一切您需要!如果你想闪光莫尔斯电码的邮件使用背光您的palm pilot ,这将做到这一点!法恩斯沃思支持,闪烁背光支持,巨大的字体随机免费运行模式,凉爽scrolly酒吧时,听qsos ,方便莫尔斯的文字和回翻译/转换器,内置在q代码测验,为palm os 3.5或更高



连续播放最新的-简单的免费程序产生莫尔斯c aracters和q代码。它需要声卡和win95 。

cyberdx连续-c yberdx连续是一个软件模拟的业余无线电台的监测世界。生成一个模拟广播的环境下,经营者可以收听所有的高频波段和实际听到计算机生成站活动

dotdash 1.0 -d otdash是一个免费的m orsetrainer的p almp ilot的功能,如“列车随机词” , “学习字母表” ,承认随机缩写,不同速度的设置,莫尔斯文等你写

ebook2cw -文字莫尔斯- eb ook2cw是一个命令行程序(可选的g u i提供),其中转换的纯文本电子书,以莫尔斯电码m p 3文件。它在几个平台,包括windows和linux 。

英足总棕榈-莫尔斯-莫尔斯的p a lmos是一个完美的计划,任何人谁想要学习莫尔斯电码或增加其速度。随着十几个经验教训,使学习莫尔斯电码莫尔斯简单有趣。每个课程旨在帮助你学习莫尔斯电码尽快,同时确保你的成功。

快速莫尔斯-莫尔斯电码的m acintosh软件,快速莫尔斯将文字转换成任何你进入原来的莫尔斯电码当量,并发挥它在您的发言。速度可以调整任何从1到35个字每分钟,如果您的电脑能够跟上,让您发送莫尔斯信号的速度在你的朋友和同事莫尔斯爱好者可以遵循!

g4uxd莫尔斯苏帕图-“全部细节,审查和鉴定的广泛赞誉,充分发挥作用, q so格式g 4uxd莫尔斯” , “苏帕-图” “ ,建议r sgb莫尔斯考试和理想的科赫的方法。 ”



科赫连续训练方法更新-基于科赫方法所描述的戴维g芬利, n 1irz,该软件可以让你开始了在全速要通过学习实现的两封信,并增加了一封信一旦你达到9 0%熟练程度。

了解连续在线更新-在l cwo您可以了解摩尔斯电报( c w)中在网上浏览器。您不必安装程序在计算机上,你总是有你的个人设置可以从任何一台计算机在地球上与互联网连接。您也可以轻易地追踪您进步的方式不同的统计职能。


莫尔斯阿尔卑斯-莫尔斯电码学习软件在西班牙的e a8alp


莫尔斯电码的疯狂-以免费的基于w indows的莫尔斯电码编写的程序的v isualb asic6的源代码免费提供!该计划使用directx directsound的某些功能。您可以下载的源代码和/或可执行在页面底部。

莫尔斯电码硕士-高度创新,视听莫尔斯电码训练软件的'慢'和法恩斯沃思方法s tratosoft。

莫尔斯电码java applet的实践-连续耳朵教练j ava功能的浏览器。传送自订的文字,随机群体的信件/数字/标点符号,或任何随机字符。 5-18速度每分钟字数代码( 18字符的速度每分钟字数) 。

莫尔斯电码教学机-源代码为莫尔斯培训计划和准备使用的编译应用m orse.exe


莫尔斯制作-m orsemaker是一个最新的替代莫尔斯机显示进一步下跌此网页。它已重新书面使用不同的编程语言和现在是完全'独立'不需要运行时支持的文件。此版本还与windows xp和可以使用的声卡,但请注意,不同于其前身,它并不分裂成更小的字母'学习'块,不纳入莫尔斯读者。

莫尔斯合作伙伴-“你利用电脑键盘上的莫尔斯;你利用信件显示在屏幕上。 ”


莫尔斯测验-免费的a e4rv。 morsequiz是摩尔斯电码教练机速度适用于dos /窗口,可以帮助您提高代码复制能力。

莫尔斯亚军-免费竞赛模拟器的w indows9 5/98/me/nt4/2000/xp版权所有( c ) 2 004-2006亚历克s hovkoplyas, v e3nea


莫尔斯导师-莫尔斯导师是基于在d os编写的程序的c + + 。它可用于实践莫尔斯电码。各种可用。莫尔斯导师完全源代码和二进制可供下载(的32kb ) 。

莫尔斯导师黄金-莫尔斯导师金g gte高质量软件的业余无线电。

morsegen -m orsegen是一个简单的计划的目的是创造摩尔斯电码的速度在任何你觉得舒适的阅读,实践的目的。这不是目的是为那些老师谁不知道在所有莫尔斯,虽然您可能会发现它有用的用于这一目的。它没有一个功能发送小团体的性质和,虽然这可以很容易地实现创建文本文件包含的性质团体要实践。

mosh -莫尔斯电码免费的s m6kfy,英文和瑞典文版

mrx软件-m rx莫尔斯电码的w indows9 x/nt是设计来教莫尔斯电码发送和接收使用的好处多媒体电脑技术

mvlearning -教育软件的p almp ilot和w indows快速任教信号旗和摩尔斯电码使用记忆方法和精心设计的闪卡计划


numorse -n umorse是一个功能包装一系列的培训器材,将磨练你的代码获得的技能在最可能的时间

腹泻连续连环教练机-p ed认证是一个连续连环教练撰写的m asiii。这是一个免费软件。它需要dos和soundblaster兼容的声源。

桩涨!更新-桩涨!是一个连续竞赛培训计划。该程序需要soundblaster (或兼容)卡可用于linux和windows 95 。

掌上连续-袖珍连续是莫尔斯电码学习辅助工具的p da运行的w indowsc e

ppcmorse -p pcmorse和p pcmorse专业的莫尔斯电码训练/发送水电费掌上电脑p da产品(如规格,乔丹娜布和仙) 。

精密化学武器-软件培训阅读莫尔斯电码或软件运行c w模式或什相干c w模式的业余无线电设备从您的p c。


sccw为linux -声卡连续为l inux

智能莫尔斯-莫尔斯电码辅导计划的p alm掌上电脑供电。主要功能分开智能莫尔斯从其他程式这种性质的事实是,这一计划得知你的做法

单边带连环播放器-它播放≤ 1 0格式的音频数据作为一个真正的单边带连环w indows98/nt4


winmorse -文本转换成莫尔斯电码。为此,它会读案文从三个来源: windows剪贴板,文件或您也可直接输入文字。 winmorse产出的莫尔斯电码作为一个标准的windows wav文件
只看该作者 4楼 发表于: 2008-11-13
只看该作者 5楼 发表于: 2011-11-25