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Ms 10分钟规则的权威解释 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 0楼 发表于: 2002-10-25
thank you for your letter. in the ms category you can have 2 transmitters.
each transmitter has its own 10 minute rule. 1 transmitter can be used to
work anyone. the other transmitter can be used to just work new multipliers.

if the "run" transmitter makes a contact on a band (for example 20 m), it
must stay on that band for 10 minutes. independently, the "multiplier"
transmitter can work a new multiplier (during the same 10 minutes as
the "run" station), as soon as a new multiplier is logged, the "multiplier"
station must remain on that band(say 15m) for 10 minutes.

two signals are allowed during any 10 min period. one = "run" station, two
= "multiplier station.

i hope this answers your question.

have fun.

bob, k3est
cq ww director