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刚刚收到ARISS 发送的SSTV 接收证书 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 0楼 发表于: 2019-04-15


Thank you for your participation in the reception of SSTV images transmitted from the International Space Station on 11 - 14 April 2019 to celebrate the Cosmonautics Day. I am sending you your award in the attachment.

In the picture on the diploma one may see:
Yuri Gagarin – the first human in outer space. On 12th of April 1961 he made a first orbital spaceflight around the Earth in space-vehicle Vostok. Making a single lap took him 108 minutes. To commemorate this event, Cosmonautics Day is celebrated.
Crew of the space mission: John Young and Robert Crippen. First flight of the Space Shuttle Columbia began on 12th of April 1981, what is 20 years after first human spaceflight. NASA’s space-shuttles were used for next 30 years. In July 2011 Christopher Ferguson, Douglas Hurley, Sandra Magnus i Rex Walheim went to the last mission at the board of  Space Shuttle Atlantis – STS-135.
Alexei Leonov – the first human to conduct extravehicular activity (EVA), exiting the capsule during the Voskhod 2 mission for a 12-minute spacewalk. Leonov was also a participant of Soyuz-Apollo mission in 1975.
Ulf Merbold – first ESA astronaut in Space. He made his spaceflight at the board of Space Shuttle Columbia – STS-9 in the period of 28th of November till 8th of December 1983.
Valentina Tereshkova – the first woman to have flown in space. She began her spaceflight on 16th of June 1963 at the board of Voskhod 6. It took 2 days 22 hours 50 minutes and 8 seconds.
Neil Armstrong – Apollo 11 mission commander. The first person to walk on the Moon. Spoke the now-famous words, "That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind“. This year we celebrate 50th anniversary of this event.
Above the astronauts and cosmonauts one may see: Soyuz-Apollo orbital complex (1975), first artificial satellite Sputnik 1 (1957), then space probe Voyager 1 – currently furthest from Earth man-made object. It was launched in 1977. It moves at speed 17,024 km/s, in the distance of 20 billion kilometers from Earth. The radio signal from the probe needs 18 hours to reach Earth.
On the right of the picture one may see Soyuz TMA-19M docked at the ISS. The russian spacevehicles are currently basic means of transport of people and goods onboard the ISS after the withdrawal from service US space ferries.
Below the photo of Yuri Gagarin there is a logo of Southwest State University in Kursk (Russia). It is one of the best russian universities which is going to celebrate 50th anniversary of origin soon. Students of this university, future engineers, built „Tanusha“ satellites and participated in other space experiments.

SSTV transmissions from the International Space Station are possible thank to involvment of many people – ARISS volunteers from around the world.

Greetings - Slawek SQ3OOK
ARISS SSTV Award Manager


感谢您从国际空间站发射11 SSTV图像的接收您的参与 - 2019 4月14日为庆祝载人空间飞行国际日。我送你的附件您的奖励。

尤里·加加林 - 在外太空的第一人。 1961年4月12日,他在太空车载东方绕地球轨道的第一次太空飞行。制作一个单圈就把他108分钟。为了纪念这一事件,载人空间飞行国际日庆祝。
太空任务的船员:约翰·杨和罗伯特·克里彭。哥伦比亚号航天飞机的首次飞行始于1981年4月12日,什么是人类首次太空飞行20年后。 NASA的太空航天飞机被用于未来的30年。 2011年7月克里斯托弗·弗格森,道格拉斯赫利,桑德拉·马格努斯我雷克斯瓦尔海姆去在亚特兰蒂斯号航天飞机的板的最后一个任务 - STS-135。
克塞列昂诺夫 - 第一人体进行舱外活动(EVA),对于12分钟的出舱上升2号任务期间离开胶囊。列昂诺夫也是联盟 - 阿波罗任务的参与者在1975年。
乌尔夫·梅博尔德 - 第一次空间ESA宇航员。在11月28日之日起至1983年12月8日的期间STS-9 - 他在哥伦比亚号航天飞机的董事会做了他的太空飞行。
瓦伦蒂娜捷列什科娃 - 第一位在太空中已经飞行。她开始了她在1963年6月16日在太空飞行6 Voskhod的董事会花了2天22小时50分钟8秒。
尼尔·阿姆斯特朗 - 阿波罗11号任务指挥官。第一人在月球上行走。谈到现在著名的话,“这是一个人的一个小步,却是人类的一大步“。今年,我们庆祝这一事件的50周年。
上面的宇航员之一可能看到:联盟 - 阿波罗轨道复合体(1975年),第一颗人造卫星斯普特尼克1(1957年),然后太空探测器旅行者1号 - 目前距离地球人造物体最远。它于1977年推出了它的移动速度17024公里/秒,在距离地球20十亿公里的距离。从探头的无线电信号需要18小时以到达地球。

从国际空间站SSTV传输是可能的感谢许多人的involvment - 来自世界各地的志愿者ARISS。

问候 - Slawek SQ3OOK

[ 此帖被bh2rmx在2019-04-16 00:32重新编辑 ]
QQ:14569582,Email :bh2rmx@gmail.com
SSTV 慢扫描爱好者 QQ群号1058923222
只看该作者 1楼 发表于: 2019-04-15
只看该作者 2楼 发表于: 2019-04-15
回 hamly 的帖子
hamly:不错,但这次没收到满意的效果 (2019-04-15 14:30) 

QQ:14569582,Email :bh2rmx@gmail.com
SSTV 慢扫描爱好者 QQ群号1058923222