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Surfin': A Hundred Pounds Worth of DX [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 0楼 发表于: 2006-07-01

scott andersen, ne1rd, has a blog called 100 pound dxpedition that talks about some of the dx locations from which he has operated. he writes the blog for the average ham who cannot afford an expensive, exotic, high-profile dx operation. with that goal in mind, scott provides lots of tips and suggestions for operating away from home "with a minimum of equipment and maximum fun."

scott also has a home page, ne1rd -- amateur radio that augments the blog (or is it the other way around?). either way, scott is clearly having fun, as can be seen by viewing what he has online.

in addition to operating, scott enjoys building (especially elecraft kits) and has an elecraft page dedicated to that aspect of his avocation. he also endeavors to help others to get into our hobby, and has suggested 50 ways that may help get people interested in amateur radio. i also enjoyed scott's people page where he writes about some of the amateur radio luminaries he has met during his ham radio career.

thank you, dave bushong, kz1o, for suggesting ne1rd's web presence.

until next time, keep on surfin'.

editor's note: stan horzepa, wa1lou, is planning a minimalist vacation and mobile dxpedition for this summer. to discuss minimalism, dxpeditions and other neat things, e-mail stan or add comments to his blog.
只看该作者 1楼 发表于: 2006-07-02

scott andersen, ne1rd, has a blog called 100 pound dxpedition that talks about some of the dx locations from which he has operated. he writes the blog for the average ham who cannot afford an expensive, exotic, high-profile dx operation. with that goal in mind, scott provides lots of tips and suggestions for operating away from home "with a minimum of equipment and maximum fun."
scott also has a home page, ne1rd -- amateur radio that augments the blog (or is it the other way around?). either way, scott is clearly having fun, as can be seen by viewing what he has online.
in addition to operating, scott enjoys building (especially elecraft kits) and has an elecraft page dedicated to that aspect of his avocation. he also endeavors to help others to get into our hobby, and has suggested 50 ways that may help get people interested in amateur radio. i also enjoyed scott's people page where he writes about some of the amateur radio luminaries he has met during his ham radio career.
thank you, dave bushong, kz1o, for suggesting ne1rd's web presence.
until next time, keep on surfin'.
editor's note: stan horzepa, wa1lou, is planning a minimalist vacation and mobile dxpedition for this summer. to discuss minimalism, dxpeditions and other neat things, e-mail stan or add comments to his blog.
只看该作者 2楼 发表于: 2013-01-16
Re:Surfin': A Hundred Pounds Worth of DX
只看该作者 3楼 发表于: 2013-01-16
Re:Surfin': A Hundred Pounds Worth of DX
我就来翻译一下吧,斯科特·安德森,NE1RD 他发布了一个博客,他说他花费了将近100英镑的费用去远征,而且他花费了这么多的费用去了他绝大多数的远征地点。他在他的博客里面也说到了,大多数的业余无线电爱好者如果要去远征的话,是很难支付的起这么昂贵的费用,还有一些电台设备(相当变态的庞大的数字,有这个意思哈)但是为了最终的目的,斯科特他提供了很多的方法和建议有关于“最小的话费达到最大的娱乐和收获”的这个远征的计划,同时,斯克他还有他的自己的个人网站NE1RD—业余无线电的一些(活动和玩儿法)的增效计划,换句话说就是怎样能用别的方法玩儿的更加快乐。斯克他自己有很多很明确的很有意思的方案,有些时候你可以看到他在线经常会在他的博客里转悠。总的来说,在操作和远征活动的时候,斯科特非常享受它的自己的设备,比如说elecraft公司的一些设备,还有他自己的副业,在博客里你可以看到也就是自己的副业,也就是业余无线电的专用页面。他常常尽自己最大的努力去帮助一些新手去进阶业余无线电,或者说帮助和他爱好相同的人(外国人说话和我们不一样,原话的意思是帮助他进入我们的爱好中,我们的爱好就是amateur radio所以双关了。)他甚至有50条建议能让人们可以慢慢对业余无线电产生兴趣,笔者常常斯科特的博客的页面看到斯科特在自己的业余无线电生涯里与一些业余无线电的一些高手(原文是闪光的,泛指闪亮的人)的一些经历和故事 ,,非常干那些dave bushong KZ1O 对NE1RD的页面的贡献,编辑者笔记:stan horzepa, wa1lou正在筹划着(原文是最简主义)这个夏天去远征,利用最简单的方法去远征,如果要有什么建议,请在博客上留言或者给NE1RD发邮件

只看该作者 4楼 发表于: 2013-01-16
Re:Surfin': A Hundred Pounds Worth of DX