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HF in field day from HKG to All‏ [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 0楼 发表于: 2009-09-11
hey guys !
watch out ( 9/12/09 ) day for dxing to your good friends in global.
kc4ogf information as follows:
dear all,
hope we can make the qso on below schedule
hk 2009-9-12 sat 1700hrs to 2200hrs
toronto 2009-9-12 sat 0500 to 1000hrs  

本帖最後由 vr2aj 於 2009-9-10 14:23 編輯 跟據過往 field day 經驗, 我都 set 咗一啲可用頻率點, 等待使用.........................

( 台 1 ) 14.130mhz usb/後備頻 14.195mhz usb51.400hmz fm/50.250hmz ssb/50.105hmz cw
( 台 2 ) 21.250mhz ssb/後備頻 21.200mhz ssb7.065mhz lsb/後備頻 7.060mhz lsb/7.005mhz cw
( 台 3 ) 435.650mhz 中繼站/435.500 中繼站/ 全部國內u 段中繼站
( 台 4 ) mobile computer to echolink