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G2YT [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 0楼 发表于: 2005-07-08
at approximately 100 years old, (g)2yt is one of the earliest uk radio callsigns,issued within the first few years of the 20th century. the original holder was marconi's wireless telegraph company limited. it was the callsign of the poldhu radio station in cornwall, sw england. history was made from this site in 1901 by it becoming the ransmitter for the first successful transatlantic radio signal.

one of the engineers working at the poldhu radio station, was radio pioneer(callsign 'xzt' in 1912) mr crispin (cris) redshaw, later to become chief engineer of dorchester radio - imperial broadcasting company. cris became silent key in 1974 and his relatives asked me if i would like to resurrect the old call. having done this, i discovered its fascinating history. i am the fourth custodian of g2yt.

(g)2yt was used commercially for hf communication with the awa [amalgamated wireless australasia limited] station in sydney. for further information please see http://www.qsl.net/vk2dym/radio/marconi.htm

i am the past and/or present holder of the following calls. g6bpo, g4mck,g0fox,vk2epf, vk6fox, vk5fox, c56yt

present day station is icom 7800, sometimes driving acom 2000a linear amplifier. antennas are; gap voyager dx for lf and force 12 c31xr 14 element, interlaced multi-monobander on 10, 15 + 20 @ 60 mtr above rf ground (tower is on a hill overlooking marsh)and springs on a 27 (90') mtr tower.

hobbies & interests other than amateur radio include. motogp motorcycle racing, wine, cooking, motorcycles old and new, music, target shooting (1988, 89, 90, 92, 94 & 2001 british champion in 100m moving target centrefire rifle), deer stalking/hunting, big game fishing, camping/motorcycle touring. i own and manage airsense technology ltd.,manufacturers of the worlds most sensitive smoke detection system.

see also http://www.g3sds.org.uk/2yt.htm
只看该作者 1楼 发表于: 2005-07-08

今天早凌晨传播非常的好. 我在这用鱼竿天线抄英格兰, 荷兰, 亚美尼亚, 等信号均达59.
